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Hi all,

I'll be hosting three Zoom Calls tomorrow for one hour and you are all welcome to join.

Many Advanced Tier Patrons will know how this works, it's an opportunity to come and have a chat with me and fellow Patrons about whatever you want to talk about.

This time Intermediate Tier Patrons will have the opportunity to join the Calls and as always Advanced Tier Patrons you are of course welcome.

Normally, I'll host a call with Advanced Tier Patrons roughly once a month, so I wanted to give those at Intermediate Tier the opportunity to join (we did promise you Advanced Tier access after all!)

I have no idea if a lot of you would like to come and say hello or none of you! But to help, hopefully, give as many of you as possible the opportunity to join there will be three Zoom times slots.

1. 845am-945am
2. 130pm-230pm
3. 6pm-7pm
All times are GMT

From experience, the evening time is likely to be the busiest call and the morning one the quietest. You do not need to be on time, you can join at any point during the hour and you can leave at any time.

I'm happy for Patrons to join any one, two or all three calls should you wish but priority will be given to those who haven't had the chance to speak to do so.

The Zoom link will be posted here on Patreon shortly before the first call.

Hopefully speak to many of you tomorrow.

Thanks as always,



Daniel Lock

Probably be there for the middle one. :)

Rob Pick

Not sure if I can make any of these due to work, but I shall do my best. 💚

Frank Schirrmann

Will be going on holiday and be in a car from midday but might make the morning one , work permitting


Thanks! Might try to make the middle one with my morning coffee ☕️