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Here's the link for today's Zoom phone-in Podcast. Anyone welcome between 3pm BST & 4pm BST. We have no idea how many of you may try and jump on the call so please be patient if you're in the waiting room. We will only let people on to the Podcast 1 at a time. Neither the audio or video will be available live other than to the person who is on the call. The Audio & Video will be published later today.




Paul (@SkyPlayerInFPL)

Cant get on the call due to being in work, but is there any way to be able to just listen in please?

Andrew Jarvis

Gutted to miss this. Enjoy guys - look forward to listening later 👍

Adam English

In work too, will listen in later on this evening too :)

Robin Frost

Can’t seem to get on to the Zoom? Maybe it’s full up, I’ll listen later :).

Robin Frost

It timed me out, too late now I guess?