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As we approach today's final FPL deadline of the season I wanted to take the time to thank all of you for your support throughout the season.

Words can never express enough our gratitude for your support. For myself especially it's been life changing to have you on the journey with us so thank you for everything you have done for us. We are always humbled to have you with us.

As has been covered previously we will be taking a break from content throughout June and that means of course that no one will be charged for Patreon in June.

I've been adamant all season that having hardly stopped Podding at all since the summer of 2018 that this year we really would take a proper break and we will. The mind needs a break so we can come back and hit it harder in 2022/23. I'll still be around, both on Twitter and on Slack so please don't hesitate to come and say hello.

Content will continue as normal until the 31st of May and will resume on Friday July 1st on Patreon with an Ask James Stream for all Patrons and a zoom call for Advanced Tier Patrons. Our full schedule as we enter season 6 of Planet FPL will resume on Monday July 4th.

We hope of course you will still be with us and my promise is we will do our very best to improve the content further next season.

Good luck for the final day.




Dan Mclaughlin

Thanks for the season once again James and enjoy the break!


Thank you James and Suj for all the excellent content and for all you do! Have a wonderful break ๐ŸŒด