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This Booster jab I had on Tuesday night has knocked me sideways and I've just been passed out on the sofa for 3 hours. I have taken a covid test and this has come back negative.

Suspect I've probably been suffering from a general lack of sleep and the jab has pushed my body into a place it didn't like. I feel fine other than very tired.

I'm going to push tomorrow's Team News Stream back to 1130am (UK) on Sunday with the Deadline Stream following at the later time of 1230pm (UK) now that the deadline has changed following the postponements of Liverpool v Leeds and Wolves v Watford.

Talking Tactics will now be posted for you tomorrow night instead but I'm going to save analysis of Conte's Tottenham now to next week and instead will be looking at FPL chip strategies for you.





Take care James.

Phil Stuart

Feel better soon, James! Go get some rest!

Mark Gregory

Rest up if you need to James, that’s more important


Look after yourself first and foremost

Ben Huish

Hope you feel alright James, I had my booster on Monday and it knocked me out for a bit aswell. Rest up!

Seth Ryan

Hope ya feel better soon!

White Beard

Take it easy boss. No rush for any of that

Tom Knapp

Feel better soon, James! Don't push it too much, take care of yourself first!

Daniel Lock

Hope you feel better soon mate. Like the others have said. No rush. You give us so much already. You deserve a rest.

Real Debacle FC

Health first. Take care of yourself. We love you man.


Thank you all, been feeling much better the last couples of hours 💪

Claire Easley

I had mine on Tuesday. Felt fine then Weds night 💥 aches all over, headache, temperature!! Glad you’re feeling better mate!! Listen to your body if it’s telling you to you rest!


Rest up and take care James!

FplHitman .

Take care man. Get well soon


Update: Difference is like light and day from yesterday. Feel 10 times better