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Clayton joins James to discuss his trip to watch England beat Serbia in Gelsenkirchen with discussion on the travel, the drinking, the party and the atmosphere. And atmosphere is important in the context of this Podcast because unfortunately there were wrongun's encountered along the way, and they were not Serbian


James Morrison

As great a game as Turkey v Georgia was, there was trouble before the game. Seemed to be Turks from a "neutral" section trying to get at the Georgians. Riot cops came in, stopped it pdq. No bother during the game. Happened long before KO so don't know if it was mentioned on TV.

Keith Allen

Sorry to hear about some of the experiences Clayton. Travelling with a diverse bunch of fans with England, I've experienced some of this before - albeit on rare occasions. If you're heading out for any of the other games let me know 🇩🇪🍻

David Hunter

Big love Clayton, just catching up with this one. Something almost identical happened with my mate (of Mauritian descent but born near Rochdale) during a lads trip to Euro 2016. We weren't even there to watch England (watched some neutral games) but a load of their fans arrived on our last night prior to the Slovakia game. Never experienced so many dickheads. They were the overwhelming minority but a very loud one. I'm sorry you still experience shit like that, as James said - not something I'll ever know the feeling of. Glad you still had a good few days overall anyway.