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Hi everyone! I hope you're all having a good week so far! 🧡 I meant to upload these before I left but I totally forgot. The only trip I have left coming up is GSFC (next weekend), which will be my last con until Anthrocon! Gonna be clearing my queue and picking up the discord quite a bit during this time when I get back since I'll be home more and available!

I plan to do a lot more streams in the discord as well as maybe dipping my toes into some twitch stuff later this summer. Hopefully I'll catch ya'll in there sometime! <3

As for the WIPs, these are portraits from ANE! Still catching up on my depressive hole backlog but I'm thankful to finally be making progress again! I cannot believe how quickly these last few months went by in a blur, yeeeeesh.




Wait, do u mean anthrocon in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania?! Idk if there r others called that 😅