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WOW! What a crazy month it’s been, I hope you are all having a good and safe one! I’ve got no excuses for this month, been taking a lot of time to myself to recover from burnout and some personal life stuff, but I FINALLY feel like I’m crawling out of the depths of hell to create again. I talked about it a little in my discord, but I just wanted to apologize for being more silent this month than normal. I’ve got so many big goals I want to achieve with this patreon/discord server and my goal in 2023 is to do more community based projects in here if I can manage it!

As for this piece, this is an XMAS present I made for my mom! She lost 3 of her 4 animals this last year and it’s been really tough on her, especially how many times she’s been in the hospital on top of it all. 2022 was a rough year for so many of us, but I’m forever grateful to have the support of this community here. So many of you have reached out this month simply to just remind me you were thinking of me, wishing me a Merry Xmas, whatever the case and it means so much more than I can put into words, thank you <3

I hope you all have have a safe and fun time at the rest of your holidays! 🧡 I have more queue wips from the Trello coming out this week so keep an eye out if you’re on here: https://trello.com/b/4vbY4XrJ/boltie-commissions for updates this week!




No apologies needed!! You have had so much going on Queen! 💖💜💖 Just know you are valid, important and LOVED!!