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I am so incredibly overwhelmed by the support from this last round of commissions, thank you SO MUCH ;A; I wish I could take everyone!!! I definitely wasn't expecting so many last minute form submissions... thank you ALL SO MUCH!

I really want to keep my turnaround time down so I took on as much as I could manage without completely screwing myself with the amount (hopefully!) If I finish this queue early I may reopen for more surprise slots with priority to those who missed out this past round! TT-TT I'm so sorry!! Really wish there was more than one of me to draw everyone ;__; Appreciate you all so much, please forgive me if you didn't get selected but THANK YOU so much for the interest, you've got no idea how much that means to me.


warmup for st4rdustspeedw4y from the discord and a little personal art for myself! ;w;//

Hope you're all having a good day so far! 🧡



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