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Badge for a friend 💖

Updates: I hope you all had a wonderful and amazing holiday! I'll be working a table at PDFC in Arizona this weekend (with two new beanie colors dropping there!) It's about a 20 hour drive from us (without stops) so we'll be stopping halfway in between to rest at a hotel for the night there and back! With so much traveling I may be hard to reach, but please don't be afraid to ping me if you need anything. January is a crazy month for me but I will still be working on my queue work when I'm not working my table ;w;// 

Aside from table things, I have some family health things going on that have been taking some priority. My grandma was admitted to the ICU before Christmas and hasn't been released yet (the doctors keep telling us that the longer she stays the less likely it will be that she leaves) and after a hospital visit last month my mom has been scheduled to get a pacemaker next week. Please keep my family in your thoughts if you can! <3 I still plan to work as much as I can despite all of this so I'll be posting as normal but if I seem distant or more quiet on telegram/discord lately, please forgive me!! Love and appreciate you all so much, thank you for the endless support. 



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