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Thank you for the interest and to Icestorm for coming to the rescue!! 🧡 new art to come soon, but I might be out of commission until it gets here. Thank you all for your patience and enjoy the holiday SAFELY! 🧡


I think I’ve dropped mine one too many times and it’s giving me all sorts of line skips and random horizontal spikes. I have some money saved up but it’s all put away for a trip next weekend so I don’t want to dip into that. This is how I draw literally everything so if someone can snag it for me I will draw ya some art!! Connecting icons, two character piece, we can figure something out! Need ASAP unfortunately 😭 I’ll offer this on Twitter if no one snags by the morning

(New only please) Apple Pencil (2nd Generation) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K1WWBJK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_VSD5ADHS9QATQS1R7V29?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

Thank you so much to whoever can help! 🧡




What do you mean by two character pieces? Like 2 different art pieces or can it be two in one? If so, I would be interested c:


It was just snagged thank you so much for the interest though!! You guys saved my butt! 🧡


That was fast! Thank goodness for fans like them.


I am so incredibly lucky to have you guys, seriously! 🧡