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Hello everyone!! I’ve said this before but since I’ve gotten a couple new patrons recently, I wanted to reiterate my schedule and what’s been going on!

I haven’t announced it publicly yet, but I am MOVING across the state to a new place come the end of August. I’ve been traveling every weekend (3+ hour drive) to help renovate my new place with Saber to help out! It’s been exhausting, but will be absolutely worth it when it’s done!

Moving in the middle of COVID? Not exactly the plan I had in mind, but it was only a little over a month ago I decided to pursue my freelance fulltime! Although right now I haven’t been able to commit the full 40 hours due to packing and other misc moving things, once I’m settled into my new place by September things should be running much more smoothly. My posts may be a little dry on certain days because of this crazy move, but I can’t thank you all enough for the support during this insanity.

I really couldn’t have picked a worse time to quit my design job and start my freelance with all the cons being cancelled (LOL!) but I’m making the most of it! Kidding aside, I’ve got big plans in the making for the rest of the year. I’ve been in the process of making an art book for the last month or so, although it will take me probably another couple months until it’s finished before I’m ready to manufacture. I have so many other big projects laying in wait, too! I can’t wait to share them with you all! In the meantime, don’t be afraid to let me know what you guys are missing or want more of, I’m happy to cater to specifics and want to do what I can to make you guys happy! ♥️


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