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Thank you to everyone for being so patient while I postponed these through May!

These tiers will re-launch in JUNE! (you will be charged as normal on June 1 and the new tiers will open the following day June 2!)  

REPOST of the original information regarding the tiers: 

Hey lovely patrons! ❤️  Couple of announcements:

Just as a heads up to my past shockwave/gigashock patrons in here, as I mentioned before I had to raise my prices quite a little bit compared to where they were to keep up with everything else going on in my life and where I was at with everything financially with the COVID situation unfolding. As I stated in March you will all be offered the slots if you had them before but if you no longer can afford the price increase that is TOTALLY OKAY! You guys are more than welcome to stay at the current tier you guys are at now for the current benefits! The shockwave and gigashock are going to be monthly art reward tiers as I'm trying to gear myself towards less openings and more monthly income based on steady commissioners through Patreon.  I hope you guys understand! ❤ 

There are additional slots added as well (compared to my original 2 icons and 1 fullbody), to give new patrons the opportunity for artwork who did not have it before!  ❤️ I want to reiterate you are in no way obligated to stay at these higher tiers for extended periods, feel free to check if slots open up (I can also let the Patreon Telegram chat know if people drop their slots) for the opportunity! Again, thank you guys for the support and I hope I can continue to deliver! ❤



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