Plans for 3.5 (Patreon)
2023-11-25 07:52:55
Yeah, you see that right. 3.5! This next update will be a minor update, I'm planning for completion in mid-December! It's focus will be on quality of life matters. I'm not sure if I'll be able to fit everything in this time frame, but the things I'm currently looking at is:
- Scene theater for rewatching scenes or special interactions with predators.
- Above update will be hosted in Alista's dreamscape. Which will also have implentation for you favorite predator. (At least the ones with internal survival sequences).
- Look into plugin for a visual novel style screen. Includes stuff like saving mid scene without the menu option, and fast forwarding. I saw this in Vore Town and it definitely looked nice.
- Add talk sequences for Stressa. She's the only one without em!
- Expanding audio tracks! Recently learned about Dissolve and it seems very useful for the audio stuff I've setup. Will see what I can do with it.
- And one new scene. Which, as per, could be decided by you guys!
If there's anything else you'd like to see added for QOL, feel free to mention them. I think I've forgotten one or two things I've been looking at :P