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This month marks the start of this Patreon page 🤩. With it I want to help you learn sculpting and improve every month!

I really appreciate your support 🧡. I want to make sure you have the best experience here! With this poll you can let me know how did this month go for you as a Patron.

Did you enjoy the rewards, you got what you expected? How was the monthly assignment? Am I active enough? Are you enjoying the Discord benefits? etc..

The Patreon page is brand new, so knowing what works and what doesn't will help shape it's future, for me and for you! Please comment below what you liked about it, and what you didn't (if it's the case) to see what can be improved 🔥!



Hey Yan, I really like what you have so far. The assignments are a godsend to us that are learning! A couple of things I would suggest (unless I missed seeing them somewhere) would be: 1) Add in due dates for the assignments. It makes if feel more structured like a class :) 2) It would be nice to see some kind of group chat once a month where those who are learning can pick your brain directly. This could help the rest of those in the call as well. These kind of calls could be time boxed to 1hr. In these calls you could also possibly critique one of the students work.


Thanks for the feedback Valkyrie, glad to know the assignments are helping 😁! I will take both your suggestions into serious consideration, meanwhile here are my current thoughts on them: 1) That's actually a good idea, it would indeed feel more like a class which can be helpful. The timeline was basically the month, until the next package comes. Having a fixed date might help I guess! Will see what is the best way to implement this. 2) I didn't want to overpromise with the rewards, it is a good chunk of work as it is right now. That said that idea has passed my mind, I wouldn't offer it as a monthly reward right now but I could try and do it from time to time if possible, maybe in a different format or way from how you would imagine it! Also on Discord one of you suggested a co-working space there, I think that works well with your second suggestion, I already added that channel check it out ✅! Giving critique to your work is something I also didn't promise as a reward but I still do it on Discord if you noticed. They are bonus rewards, extra things I try to do to show my appreciation to all of your support!


I did see the extra channel and the comments you have made for critiques. I wasn't suggesting to do a critique for everyone on a given tier. I was suggesting that you pick someone who has completed the challenge or homework and critique that one entry (no more). But yes, I know and understand that you are doing an already ridiculous amount of work for this Patreon, so I agree if you think it is too much. Oh one other thing that I thought of is should we have a separate channel for sculpting/modeling clothing/accessories?


Making a video critique on a finished entry is a marvelous idea, it would encourage to finish the work and will also help the rest by watching a recorded critique on it. Definitely something worth implementing if possible, thanks :). Didn't understand the sculpting/modeling clothing/accessories? Don't they go hand in hand together?


They do go hand-in-hand but I know there are things like Marvellous Designer that is used for clothing so I wasn't sure if they should be separate from the actual sculpt process. I.e. separate channels for anatomy and clothing. Food for thought.