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Here's January's cosplay art- my favorite girl from Higurashi! :P I can't tell you how much I loved this character back in the day. Please, for the love of God, if you ever watch this anime- please watch the old one. Just my opinion but I thought it was better than the remake lol. Also, if you haven't seen Umineko- that's a good one too. Lastly, one of you have a birthday today so happy birthday to you if you're reading- I hope you have a good one! ^_^




What are you going to do with that knife Ali? I'll have you know I'm a professional Londoner, so a duel is not wise. But in all honesty, this artwork is pretty cool, not seen the anime, and like Skelly said, the ever growing list of anime beckons.


The OG was good then the remake/technically season 2 was good in some aspect. Towards the ending in my opinion was kinda mid or the reasoning was kinda mid. The game better


Haha, thanks Proz- I'm glad you like it! :D You may be able to beat me in a duel, but can you outrun me is the question lol.


The art/animation in both are great! I haven't played the games unfortunately, but the manga was good too :)