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I hope you all are enjoying your weekend so far after your doctor's appointment lol. I threw in the sketch of her too because I like sketches. I was going to tease it on twitter but opted not to- I wanted to leave her a mystery until the audio came out :P

Song of the week is the same band I mentioned in my hornet audio on youtube! This is my favorite song by them though- Avatar "Lullaby (Death All Over)" 

Random but this song always makes me think of the WoW BFA expansion lol. If anyone remembers doing the mask runs in Orgrimmar and Stormwind- I played this song constantly trying to get all the achievements.




I have been having a really good weekend! Me and my friends have been having a blast playing PalWorld. First time in a long time that I really wish the weekend was longer. The song was really good! I don't know if I remember it correctly or not but wasn't BFA kinda bad? I feel like I remember seeing a lot of Asmon clips talking about it lol. I haven't really been playing anything with notable music lately so I'm just gonna recommended one of my old favorites. Mirror of the World or Baiken's Theme from Guilty Gear Strive is my recommendation this week. It was also my most listened to song during 2022 lol.


That's awesome to hear! It's always a good sign when you want the weekend to be longer- glad you had fun with your buddies! :) As for BFA, yeah- it was pretty bad ngl. There were good things though- the mask/vision runs being a big one for me! You may remember Asmon's journey to getting the mail muncher in that expansion too lol. The pvp was so broken that it was a joke. It was kinda fun though because RNG would kick in from corrupted gear and just annihilate someone- no skill required at all. It sucked but it was kinda entertaining xD I can see why that song was your most played in 2022- that was really good! I love the switch up a little after the beginning, completely changed the vibe and I loved that!


I'm late, but I bring new song recommendations, I pray for forgiveness. Today I present 'While we Sleep' by Insomnium. I like it, and it's on my official "sleepy time" playlist (in a good way, I'm a weirdo who listens to music to sleep sometimes, if I'm not already listening to an Alichu video 😆. But seriously, you should see some of the other songs on that playlist lol).


Hey, I don't think that's weird at all! I think someone else here mentioned listening to similar music while falling asleep. Not only that, but it was really good too! Loved the lyrics in that one especially- thanks for sharing! ^_^ Funny you mentioned music while falling asleep- I've been re-reading LoTR and listening to the soundtrack (which I fell asleep to last night) xD