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Happy Saturday everyone, I hope your weekend is going well so far! :) Here is the art of the secret bookworm and a few other pictures I thought I'd share :P I wanted to have a youtube audio posted today (it's the lamia/snake girl drawing!) but the audio file got corrupted :') And thus that means that Alichu was blessed with the opportunity to do it all over again lol. It's all good though, sometimes the second time around of recording is better anyway. I should be able to have it done this Tuesday so keep this character a secret from everyone else until then, ok?

The last two pictures I took a little while back when I first bought this shirt. I thought it was funny considering the recent character I made though so I thought I'd share for shits and giggles. I think I may have a chance with the bookworm, what do you think? :P Seriously though, wearing a cherry choker with this shirt is hilarious to me.

In the spirit of my shirt and the character, this week's song recommendation is "hip to be scared" by ice nine kills :)



Secular Succotash

We stan lamias in this house, what’s constriction but a full body hug? And yeah man you could totally pull the bookworm with that fit, especially if you hit her with the, “damn girl you a library book? Cause I’m totally checkin you out” …Actually maybe never say those words in that order. I hate myself like 20% more for saying that haha


your last audio was very nice. with the art as well. and i will say i feel bad that one of your audios got corrupted since anything file related getting corrupted is never fun. i also hope your week has been going ok. back from my trip in washington with me mabye being able to post more often i hope. though your vids are doing great and i hope your week is going good to!


The lamia audio has been successfully re-recorded and now I can finally start piecing it all together- thank the gods! lol. Despite having to record it twice I had a lot of fun, so I hope you all enjoy it too when it's finished ^_^ And please don't hate yourself for saying that! While I can't say if it will work or not, I think it deserves max points for creativity! :D


Thanks a bunch Yagi, I really appreciate it! ^_^ I hope you had a nice time in Washington and an even better new year. Be sure to take some time to celebrate and relax!