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Roleplay poll 27 & QOTW :)

  • Raccoon 17
  • Kobald 4
  • Fennec Fox 9
  • 2023-12-12
  • 30 votes
{'title': 'Roleplay poll 27 & QOTW :)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Raccoon ', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Kobald', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Fennec Fox', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 12, 12, 37, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 30}


Happy Tuesday everyone, I hope your week is going well so far :) I've been having some issues with my sleeping lately so that's been a thing lol. I know once the holidays are over things should get back to normal though so we're almost there!

This Friday you're going to be "saved" by a sandworm girl. I have to say that drawing her was...interesting lol. I did a new sound in this one, one that I was originally reluctant to do. Recently I've been trying to expose myself to different types of ASMR sounds, to keep an open mind so to speak. I figured what the hell- I'll give it a shot if I can tie it in with a character! Yet again you all will be my tester group xD  

Next Friday will be one of the choices below so let me know what sounds most interesting to you! As for question of the week: Which do you prefer overall, digital or physical copies?

I personally enjoy having physical copies. I think it stems from my fear of things disappearing at some point. I've always been scared that things will either vanish or become unavailable so having a physical copy makes me feel comforted in a way. 



So far, my week has been good, got new stuff over the weekend, so I'm happy! But I feel you on the sleep, been going to bed at around 1AM every night and waking up at 5:30, 6AM for work.. bleh.. hope things get normal for you soon though!! I wonder how we're going to be "saved" from the sandworm girl lol I also have an idea on this now sound, guess I'll have to wait and see if I'm right lol As for the vote, I'm a bit torn on this one... the kobold seems interesting, fennec foxes are one of my favorite animals, but, a cheeky sneaky raccoon ASMR sounds fun, so I think I'll have to go for that! And finally the question... I'm also a bit torn, I like digital for the convenience since I love to travel when I can, and having movies and books and what not on my phone, tablet and kindle are great, but there's also the same fear that you have about digital copies just disappearing, and opening up a real book is just great! lol That being said, I still have the original flappy bird on my phone! Just been transferring it from phone to phone since 2013 lol

Secular Succotash

Seems like a lotta ali cats are having sleep problems too, me included! You’re definitely not alone there lol. I wish you the best as you trudge through the remaining holiday season, blessings of the caffeine be upon you. Excited to play Guinea Pig again lol As for media I tend to prefer digital for the convenience, though I definitely get where you’re coming from about things disappearing. There’s a lot of media from the 80s and 90s that was never recorded and once all the physical copies were lost they were kind of just gone forever, only living on in the memories of the people that got to watch/play/listen to it


Same with me on the sleep- lately I seem to be getting around 4-5 hours which just isn't enough lol. I was lucky to get some good sleep last night though so woo! I'm glad your week has been good too, that's great to hear ^_^ I will admit that the sound isn't a personal favorite of mine, but I like to stay open minded for different character ideas- I also want to be able to provide a variety for everyone since ASMR sounds are endless! That's pretty neat that you still have the original flappy bird! I've never been big on playing games on my phone overall, but I think that's only because I never actively tried to find one I enjoyed. The only one I can remember getting into was Pokemon Go back when it came out!


Happy to know you're willing to be my sound guinea pig- now work for me! >:) lol. I admit this next one isn't my favorite sound, but I want to keep an open mind for all kinds of character ideas. I know that everyone has different ASMR triggers so I'd like to be able to provide as many as I can :) Digital convenience is definitely nice, especially when traveling, etc. My fear really stems from some anime/manga series just disappearing or being REALLY hard to find. More times than not I think it's a licensing issue between companies owning the rights, but as a fan it sucks to not be able to enjoy it when I want to. And thus began my collection of dvds and blue ray xD