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Happy Sunday everyone, I hope your weekend is going good and you all have a nice week! I have today off so I'm going to be chilling playing some HC WoW- I'm almost level 30 so wish me luck on not dying lol. I've been going back and forth between HC and Wrath but I really want to make it to 60 on HC so that's the goal for today xD 

I'm going to be taking some time later tonight to record a ramble and reply to some stuff so I'm looking forward to that too! I have some stuff I think would be fun to talk about, hell I may even have a drink while I do it because I have today off and I can :P 




I had last Thursday and Friday off, but I have been unusually tired since then, which was kind of a waste but it's ultimately whatever as I did all I wanted to do on my time off. Hope your time off is a bit better lol. I also was going to ask about your HC progress sometime soon but you mentioned it again. A streamer I watch lost their 4th character before getting to 20 in a week and just decided to play Wrath instead. Good luck with getting to 60!


Well I hope ya have or had a good wow game. Idk know the lore of wow since game theory hasn't made a video on it and my brain that has just as much processing power as a cave man. Can't understand anything but mat pat word for theory. Aside the joking your last asmr was great. I can't comment on you patreon videos since patreon is bugged for me phone. So I wanted to say sry on that. I also wanted to say that me day was great. Are tow truck driver brought in a totaled lambo and I got to strip it down to the frame. And me shop buds are all bidding on what parts go to who and which ones get scrapped. But other than that nothing really went down and was preety boring. Just fixing up and dodge caravan for a client. But I hope you have great rest of your day/week


I feel like I've been more tired than usual lately too. Maybe it's the colder weather. When I wake up I just want to stay in bed because I'm cold lol. As for HC, I can't count how many toons I lost while playing with friends. As for playing by myself though I'm still on my first one so I'm pretty proud of that! :P


Thanks Yagi, I'm glad you enjoyed the asmr :) I'm sorry Patreon has been bugging out on you. It's been doing the same to me too. I don't think it's been notifying me when I get messages/comments like it usually does so I'm trying to manually go through them all haha! I'm sure they'll get it fixed soon though, they're pretty good at that. I'm glad you had a nice day too! I don't know much about cars myself but I'm sure working with them is pretty cool! ^_^