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Roleplay Poll 23 and QOTW

  • Cupid 5
  • Yeti 8
  • Cursed Sword 12
  • 2023-10-31
  • 25 votes
{'title': 'Roleplay Poll 23 and QOTW', 'choices': [{'text': 'Cupid', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Yeti', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Cursed Sword', 'votes': 12}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 31, 7, 47, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 25}


Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you all have a spooky night lol. Make sure to eat some candy and maybe watch a scary movie if you can. Later today I'll be posting a Halloween roleplay on youtube that was a suggestion by one of you. I had a lot of fun designing and writing the character; for anyone on Twitter you may have seen the sketch already :P

This Friday's character looks like it's going to be a close one. I'll give it one more day before seeing who the winner is haha! The choices for next Friday's character are below so let me know which one you like the most :)

Since it's Halloween I thought it would be fun to ask this: What's your favorite scary movie, anime or game? It's hard for me to decide since there's so many I like but I'll narrow it down to these. Movie: Sinister, Anime: Higurashi (first one, not the remake lol), Game: Resident Evil 4



Happy Halloween Ali and everyone reading! Remember, AlichuArt is a place where you can bathe in spooky themes all-year-round, so don't be sad it's over! I've done as you've asked; ate lots of sweets and watched a horror film with my bestie (The Conjuring) - though, we may or may not have both fell asleep halfway through. Lol As for my favourite horror film; 'Get Out' and favourite horror game; SCP Containment Breach. I've never heard of the ones you've favourited, I'll have to give them a search-up. Mimic girl looks AMAZING, I'll surely enjoy that one once all this Halloween celebrating is finished!

dead to me

Happy Hallows Eve, Ali-Cats <3 I hope yall have heartfelt hauntings and may your ghouls be well fed and loved. I was gonna go out for a drink with the homies and people watch tonight but I straight up left my phone at work... sooo... uhh... I'm just gonna drink too much cider at home and play Silent Hill 2 again. Its tough for me to get spooked by movies and stuff but that one never fails to make me uncomfortable. Besides, its cold as the devil and people in my town are going nuts, haunted houses were so busy there were lines forming in the rooms, so much fun waiting to get spooked >.>


Haha, you are very right in that I will continue to do spooky stuff on and off regardless of Halloween being over- I just can't help myself xD But don't worry, there will be plenty of sweet and funny things in-between too! Sounds like you had a really fun Halloween, I'm happy to hear that Antoni! :D I think I remember watching The Conjuring, but I can't remember too many details. I think it's about Ed and Loraine? I'm not familiar with Get Out or SCP Containment Breach. I watched a little clip of the game and it looks creepy af lol ; o ;


I hope you and all the other Ali Cats reading had a good one, thank you! :D