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I know this ramble was a little all over the place but hey, if it relaxed you in some way that's all I care about because it was fun! :D



Looking forward to 3dio

Secular Succotash

Late to the party, had a busy week. I’m absolutely hyped for Halloween! Respect the grind for the PC and a 3Dio would awesome, looking forward to the upgrade for sure. Also trick or treat/Halloween Pokémon cards sound cute af. You’re real for saying to just try shit, haters be damned. So many people (me included) limit themselves for fear of judgement of others, I had a phase after I graduated high school where all of a sudden I started to give a shit about peoples opinion and that was definitely when I was at my lowest point mentally. Since then I’ve re-learned the art of not giving a fuck haha, but it’s hard to get out of the habit of trying to fit in once you start. So for anyone in that headspace, know it’s best not to start in the first place, just do you! Also the makeup thing is absolutely a yea for me, and I’m fully in support of being a test subject for future triggers lol


I hope you had a nice week despite it being busy Succotash! :) The Pokemon cards really are cute. I'm going to do a video opening some closer to Halloween. I'll need to get something else though because the card set list is so small haha! I'll probably end up getting all the cards in 10 packs or so xD I'm happy to hear you were able to get out of that headspace. I've been in a similar one and it's not fun. Life is too short to give a shit about what other people think because at the end of the day the person you spend the most time with is yourself. Also, I'm happy to have a willing test subject *evil laugh* >:)