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Happy Monday everyone <3 I want to apologize in advance since I'll be making another post after this one with our weekly poll! I promise I don't intend to flood your email/notifications haha xD I'm also slowly getting to some replies and things as well, my weekend was quite busy. Filled with house cleaning and other grown-up things that aren't fun lol. 

I know this isn't much, but I wanted to make a little screensaver/image for you all for being the amazing patrons that you are. Other than the youtube thumbnail I won't be posting this art anywhere but here, so I wanted you all to be the only ones to get it hehe :P The first one is a screensaver size and the other is a smaller image. 

Again, thank you all so, so much. I never thought I would have people support me in the way you all do, and it really does mean a lot to me. Getting to know you all more is really cool, and I think we've built a nice little place here to talk throughout the week :) I also want to say that I never want any of you to feel pressured to continue being a patron. I completely understand if there is ever a time you may have to leave for whatever reason. I appreciate each and every one of you whether you stay for one month or forever :D 




I feel special that I'm one of the few to see this art in HD, cause when I saw the new YouTube video notification, I was like 'Wow!' This is Alichu's nicest looking self-portrait yet. Don't ever apologise for frequent posting - that's literally what we're here for! :D EDIT: Originally, this part of my comment was jokingly slandering you for missing my last comment. But I just got back and you responded to it 😭 plz Forgive my quick judgement. I'll be a gouda boy from now on... promise I'm not doing well in regards to keeping up with the audios, I think I'll go on an alichu-marathon soon and post a single comment that relates to all these missed videos, Hex, Alchemist, Elf Frenemies, etc (I won't make it long dw) but I have to post it because it's in my blood to make a wholesome mushy comment for you and others to read. XD After all, you can't spell mushy without Antoni lmao


I agree with Secular and Antoni so I won't retread those points too much. It's great that you reply to as many people but don't ever feel bad if there's just too much to get to. Also while we all may be receiving notifications, I'm not sure anyone would be upset with extra content that they are technically paying for lol. I'm not sure if you have a job in addition to Youtube/Patreon, but if you do then it's even more impressive that you find the time to do as much as you can. Also in addition to you, I am really digging the community in general. I like to read other people's responses if I have the time as they are usually pretty neat or funny in the case of Antoni's puns lol. For the art, it's really good! I had went to twitter yesterday to see if it was up there and was surprised that it wasn't, but I guess it makes sense now. I really love thigh high socks so it got extra points for that from me. However I don't know if that's weird to say considering it's a picture of you rather than a character lol.


I like reading other people's comments too. I also agree with how you feel about this community - it's our little 'hub' if you may. And I feel like I made some friends along the way. Seeing Ali respond to my comments or praise my art feels great, but seeing her other subscribers/followers engage in the same manner is even nicer I'd argue. I'm glad you enjoy my puns XD I'm nowhere near Cheif's level, but I enjoy making people laugh here and there.


I'm really happy you enjoy the art! I really wanted to give you all a little something as a thank you for your support <3 I hope to do more drawings like this in the future when I can. And don't worry, you're always a gouda boy haha! I love when you all joke around with me, it makes my days better :) As for catching up, take all the time you need. And comment as much as you want too- I very much enjoy them! The most important thing to me is that my audios are entertaining and relaxing, so there's no pressure to catch up or rush, enjoy them at your own pace <3