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As an up-and-coming thief you’ve heard talk of a certain type of tool that is absolutely necessary for the job. Not a tool for stealing but for hiding. What tool exactly? A mask of course! Everyone knows that every good thief needs to be mysterious and most importantly: stay hidden. Lucky you there’s a mask maker that’s made her presence known in the underworld and you’ve got an appointment for a mask making consultation!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope this audio starts you off to a relaxing weekend :) Be honest, did any of you guess that I’d make this character based on the poll choices? Ngl, I kinda wanted band member to win only because I wanted to make a Slipknot reference xD

I mentioned this on Twitter/X already but I’m going to try and get back into animations/backgrounds with my art again. With the move I didn’t have as much time as I would have liked for it. Now that I’m more settled in I want to put more of my focus on that again ^_^

Lastly, apologies for any traffic noise that may have slipped in. I tried to edit it out, but a few may have gotten past me lol. YouTube video out later today too- have a nice weekend Ali cats! ❤️


dead to me

"you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

dead to me

Heh I liked this one, it was really appealing. The noises were perf, writing was fun, and we all about a tanned babe. If she ever comes back... ... I'd love to see what her favorite mask looks like, ya know? What colors would she choose🖤💙


You really love those tops with strings with one hanging below the shoulder, huh Ali? I love it, almost like your signature for your art :3 That and CUTENESS, even when creepy. For a minute, I feared your RP was a mask maker who sucked the souls out of people into masks, ala Majora's Mask Song of Healing. Good thing it wasn't a thing... Hoping you enjoy Mothers' Day with the BBQ! Don't eat the dragon tail!


Haha, I do like drawing that! I think that’s one of those things I slip in but don’t think about until someone points it out lol. I always found big shirts really cute on characters! I’m not too familiar with Majora’s Mask. I think it’s from Zelda though, right? Someone else made a reference to it! Sadly I never played much of that growing up. I think I may have played one older game but that’s about it. The BBQ was nice, thank you! No dragon tail though lol. I hope you had a nice weekend too Teach! :D