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Happy Saturday everyone, I hope you’re all enjoying your weekend so far :) Here’s the art of our recent doting waitress. I had a lot of fun with this one since an accent was involved :P YouTube seems to be taking their time reviewing my roleplay on there. I’m not sure if I can make it public while it’s being reviewed so I feel a bit stuck in limbo at the moment. I’m going to end up having the next one ready before they’re done haha! 🤣

As usual I’m here to provide a song of the week to you! Also as usual feel free to suggest your own- all genres are welcome ❤️ Mine this week is “Feel Me Now” by If Not For Me.

On the topic of music: I went to the store yesterday and was stopped by a sweet older woman. She was so excited because she noticed I was wearing a shirt of The Cure haha! We ended up talking a bit about their music and she wanted a picture of it which I thought was adorable ☺️




Honestly, I've been having it bad these days. Ever since I was prescribed with some new medicine(eye drops, specifically used to treat my thing I've had before, you probably remember it Alichu) for something of my 2023 surgery, I've been stuck in bed with constant headaches(luckily they go away when I watch asmr for some fuckin reason), and I'm basically gonna have a busy month in May since a lot happens during this month, stating with my father's birthday on Monday and then parties from my relatives and such. All and all, I'm gonna be glad for next week's audio to come out since I'm definitely gonna need it. (Especially with YouTube doing the same shit again where it doesn't remind me when you upload on it AGAIN) >:( Nice song recommendation for this week, really relates to what I'm feeling rn. For my song of choice, I think I'm gonna go with one that I wanted I think the Jazz Band to play for once when we had like a new teacher for them. Lone Digger by Caravan Palace. Remembering that I listened to this gave me some good vibes, but I've recently been listening to some helltaker songs so probably coming next week I'll give like 2 of them out. Plus, I may have an idea for another type of asmr roleplay so I think you'll probably be interested in what it could be.


Sorry to hear that, Azazel. I can somewhat relate to the medication part as I too have a prescription to collect and use to treat my skin (nothing serious, but highly inconvenient that I'm gonna need to take it regularly and possible for the rest of my life). Though, at least you're in the right place to have some of your headache cured! An early Happy Birthday to your dad! And cool song recommendation, although that was one interesting music video haha I hope this month goes well for you despite the challenges you're bound to face.


Charming girl you've drawn up here, Ali. Once again, well done on this! I really REALLY liked Feel Me Now by the way. My bestie technically "quitted" his job at the goth shop but he'll still stick around from time to time, as will I - and I plan to play this there. Awesome recommendation! For mine this week, I thought I'd let your ears relax a little from my last couple of songs haha 'A Winter's Tale' by David Essex. Heard it on the radio back in December while volunteering. Really soothing!


Thank you Antoni, I’m glad you like how she turned out! ^_^ My next YouTube character is a little on the weird side in terms of design so I had to get my human girl out now haha! Glad you enjoyed the song rec this week too! Hope your friends at the shop when you stop in like it :) I’ve never heard your song before but it was nice! Kinda had a bit of a sad vibe to it at parts but I like stuff like that as you know :P Thanks for sharing Antoni and I hope you have a good week!