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I ended up putting in a rain background because the natural one wasn't loud enough :') The Hollywood Undead song I mentioned is called "Everywhere I Go" lol :P

I forgot to talk about my first apartment experience in this! I wish I did because that was pretty funny looking back on it- maybe another time. Like I said, I have a bunch of nice memories here but if I shared them all this audio would be way too long- I just talked about the ones that came into my head first xD



Omg your mother's tumbleweed realisation reminds me of when I saw one for the first time. They're called roly poly's in Australia and I saw a lone one drifting across a road in the outback. Full on had that western whistle 'wah wah wah' song playing in my head like it was high noon.


ROLY POLY!! Oh my gosh, I didn't know you guys called it that and I love it! xD I don't know why but that really made my day. I imagined a cowboy going, "There goes another one of those roly polys" in an Australian accent and I love it so much lol.

Secular Succotash

Right back at you, thanks for all that you do for us! Honestly I feel called out for the "sorry for commenting late" thing lol, trust me I know there's literally no reason to apologize but honestly that's just a me thing, I'm just overly apologetic. (even IRL tbh) Funny story, someone once accidentally closed my foot in a door at work and I apologized to them for being in the way, much to their confusion lmao, so just know that I don't feel rushed in the slightest to comment! Speaking of which both the reasons you listed were why I was MIA for a little while. I was busy prepping to start college in April and I also took a semi-break from the internet. Speaking of which, that's awesome that you're the first graduate in your family! If you're okay with saying, what was your degree in? Also I have seen Del Taco in both Oklahoma and Texas so maybe there's hope for you yet! I maintain that the best Mexican I've had was some street tacos in Texas but I did have a FIRE quesadilla from a foodtruck while I was in Cali. They packed it to the brim with birria and cheese and fried even MORE cheese on the outside (was probably a days worth of calories on its own). The old abuela working the register was super sweet, but she did try to hook me up with her granddaughter haha


I'm happy to hear that! I definitely don't want any of you to feel rushed to listen or comment. Enjoying stuff at your own pace makes me the happiest :) It doesn't matter if it's on something older I try to always get to comments- especially here on Patreon because this is my favorite place hehe :P Congrats on starting college, that's really exciting! I wish you the best in your classes ^_^ If you work and go to school just be sure to pace yourself. I had a hard time keeping up with both sometimes so just be sure to take a breather now and then. As for me I got a business degree! Mainly focusing in HR but it was interesting and fun :) I can say confidently that the best Mexican food here is from places like that lol. It's always the small little places that have the best food! Since I'm lactose intolerant though that quesadilla you mentioned probably wouldn't have worked out for me :') It does sound good though- good enough to test fate haha!