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Hello everyone, I hope you all are starting off well to a new week :) Apologies my replies have been a little slow. I've been busy with a few things the past few days- some fun, some not so fun lol. Good news is I've been spending a lot of time drawing on my iPad and am slowly learning how to animate. Like I mentioned in a ramble before, I'd really love to make my character art/thumbnails be animated so I'm determined!

I know it's very simple, but the above drawing is my first attempt. This will be a youtube character for later this week, so you all are the first ones to see it :) I also found a brush in Procreate that I think suits my style better so I'm pretty happy about that too. The next step is learning how my new video/audio editing program works!

Question of the week is a fun one (I think) lol. What's something people tend to assume about you? For me the two big ones are that I'm mean and that I'm younger than I am. The mean thing I think is because my default face is blank or RBF as some might say lol. The younger thing is only because of my height. 

This Friday's character winner was horror themed, so you know I'll have fun with that one :P I'll be posting a poll either later tonight or tomorrow for next Friday!




most people who see me for the first time think that I have a strong, i'n bad mood, scary and older than I am.most people who hear me for the first time think that I little, childish, Younger than I am. I am 1.96 m tall, strong and have a hi pitch voice.this often led to funny moments with people who only knew my voice and then met me in real life. and how scary I look People ran away from me, frozen in fear, screaming or recently the homeless man pointed his finger at me and screamed danger danger. Even if it's annoying sometimes, I usually find it pretty funny.^^ Most people who know me better think I'm strong, friendly, childish and I'm scarier than I look. xD


I'm sorry you've had to deal with those assumptions Mi-kotin. Similar to what you said, it's sometimes a little funny in my case too but it can get annoying when it starts to happen a lot. You know what though, like I've told a few others, it's the people that have taken the time to know you who matter most :) Unrelated but I'm just now noticing your pfp picture and it's so cute- I really like it :D


I really like the animation Ali, I'm a sucker for hoodies in the rain. I don't really know what people assume about me, I don't really talk to many people, and the people who do know me don't really have anything to assume anymore. Back in my secondary years though, well that's another kettle of fish, and a can of worms I'm not opening. The only thing that comes to mind is that people assume I dislike them, which isn't the case, because I hate everyone equally, and I leave my problems with people at the door.


Thanks Pro, I'm glad you enjoy the animation :) I did another one for the upcoming Patreon video too. It's a slow learning process but I'm getting there! I can definitely relate to your last statement of hating/disliking equally lol xD