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Hey Patrons!

Today is a very special day for me. I have been thinking about it. I have been planning it. I have been working on it and today I can proudly announce, that I decided to turn the written story of 'The Tallest in the Family' also in a full comic series!

Ever since I started to tip my toes in the world of creating artwork myself, I got the feeling, that something was missing to my story, that the additional Artwork I do for it is not enough, especially since I started somewhere in the middle of the story, so I had this urge to make this happen.

And I crazy bastard made it happen. Already sooo much work went into it, it's crazy, but Dorothea's story means so much to me ... I just HAD to make it and I can only hope, people will like it as much as I do.

Back to the comic. It is based on the written story and will not majorly change from it. Some details change, but in the grand scheme of things, it stays in tact. Volume 1 will feature the first chapters of the story (0 to 7) and will be around 100 images ... give or take how many will make the cut :D

I could write more and more, as I have so much to tell you, but it is already quite the wall. :D
