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At long last, Dorothea found her sister Tiffany ... but this was still the easy part!

In this chapter it is Dorothea's mission to follow Tiffany (who seems rather different to what Dorothea is familiar with) to a location where she could tell her everything, but ...

AND THEN there is the question on HOW do you convience one that you are their younger sister from the future ... and that you suddenly started growing out of nowhere?

Yeah, Dorothea still has a LOT to do, especially since her 'condition' is most likely not to change soon ;D

This chapter has almost 2.000 words with the comic version following tomorrow for Superfans and on Sunday for Fans of Dorothea!

PS: From now on I will always put the full script inside these release posts as well ;D




She’s gonna carry her, nice. Don’t be as worried about paradoxes with sis, she can keep your secrets. And keep Joey away from winning sports info from the future. He’s very selfish as the stock bad guy.


But first she has to convince Tiffy, that her story is true in the first place ;D ... but don't worry about Joey ... Dorothea did not bring a sports almanach back in time, so we are safe in that regard...only a girl that suddenly started growing 😂