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So!  Back in 2005, I drew this full-page comic for Joyce and Walky!.  I noted when I re-ran it in... 2019 that it, uh, became the first page of a 14-page sex comic that I drew for my then-girlfriend Maggie.

(https://www.itswalky.com/comic/cookies/ )

I've decided to show you all.   maybe partially because i just had a surgery and they're expensive and maybe this might jumpstart a few subscriptions

Also because I was gonna eventually anyway.  Even though this is pretty rough.  I am very tempted to edit some goofy faces along the way, but pray for my bravery.

One a page a day, maybe?  I dunno.  I don't wanna dump them all up here at once, but I do want them to come at a unsluggish clip.




Hey, just a tip for you: the ) at the end of the URL is registering as part of the URL. It brings us to a broken page. Maybe add a space to the end or remove the )


Oh, awesome! I love the pin ups and the artwork, but the occasional daily story comic would be amazing too!

Tyler Vittitow (VITT-IT-TOE)

David was right, I immediately came back the moment he showcased something with Joyce in it. You got me for another month, damn you Willis!