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From the archives!  (should i have an archives tag)  This is, what, my 9th saved smut drawing?  It's pretty early.  Early enough to be Shortpacked!, early enough that Amber's pubic hair isn't drawn to resemble the hair on her head as I'd later decide to do with everybody because it's hilarious to me, and mostly early enough that it just looks terrible!  Just dogshit.

Enjoy it anyway!

or don't, it's not mandatory




I can see why you're unsatisfied with it, but I still like it. Besides! You were still just a baby porn lord at the time. It's cool to see where you've come from and how you've improved


I had recently started to notice the matching head hair/pubes thing, so it's amusing to have confirmation of it. Still, I like even seeing the early adult work. Artist evolution is always fun to see in my book.


Man, I hope they got the leak in their roof fixed. It looks like they got rained on. I also never noticed your pubic hair thing so now I need to look that up


Go look at all the slipshine comics. It happens on all of them


Every fuck a hatefuck when it comes from Mike!


I notice the older ones are always the most explicit. What’s the deal there?

Moon Goat

Wait, isn't this just the SlipShine? Unless Im missing something?

Moon Goat

Wait, isn't this just the SlipShine? Unless Im missing something?


I just went to double check and yes, yes it does, except for 2 exceptions for sure: Sal and Malaya were both shaved I believe.


ngl half the reason i was so mad mike died is he makes the best porns

J R Quilcon

Early, yes. Terrible, NO!

Charles Rozakis

I think the only thing I dislike about this is that Mike's dick matches Amber's skintone, not his.


I try to make the nethers redder than the rest of the skintone, but I wasn't very good at it here.

JB Robinson

That’s some good facial expressions though! I love me a good facial… expression.