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I really should have saved some earlier, intermediate versions to better illustrate the process, but lemme talk about how I animate these things, for those curious.  If you're not, I've put the image down in the text, which will make things presumably more ignorable.  I don't THINK it'll be body horror, but...

I animate in Photoshop.  I'm sure some folks will be mad at me for saying this.  Even my wife is gently trying to migrate me to different platforms!  But this is how I do.  I open an image I want to animate, create a timeline, make about 6 or 7 frames, and start carving an image into smaller and smaller pieces.  I move them around the canvas frame-by-frame to create the illusion of movement.  (you know, animation) 

It's never just a simple evenly-spaced circle of movement -- you gotta favor one end of the arc of motion or the other, depending on where you want the weight of the object to land.  Anyway, as I said, I carve parts into smaller and smaller parts, until I'm satisfied.  Very rarely do I have to create new parts.  Very little, like, actual hand-drawn frame-by-frame animation.  Maggie saw the Billie/Ruth animation and thought I'd traditionally-animated the breasts.  Nope!  That's actually just one drawing per boob, which I flip and rotate   (and hide one flip/rotation or the other).  Move some nipples independently from the breasts around on there and it looks like a solid moving object.  Boob physics!  

Very rarely I'll have to create different versions of a part where they're each rotated a bit.  In Photoshop you can't actually just rotate a piece - if you rotate it, it's rotated for every frame - so I create different layers of the same part at different rotations and hide and unhide them as needed.  It's only 7 frames, so it's not too big a deal.  Billie's forearms are done this way.  Amber's thighs in the dryhumping animation were also done that way.

Probably the only traditionally-animated thing I've really done has been Amber's hoodie drawstrings.  There's no rotating or circling that to get it to look right.  You gotta just draw it.

Below is the Billie/Ruth animation with the layers turned translucent so you can see what I mean.  It is the aforementioned sausage being seen made.  HOPE THIS DOESN'T RUIN ANYTHING FOR ANYBODY.