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Drawn in 2005 around the same time "Roomies! Redux" was running in one (1) newspaper and the old website.  The original limited audience for this image was my future-wife Maggie.  She ships my characters harder than you folks do, somehow.  

I can't even remember if anyone's ever seen this before.  Maybe?  There's a sequel image to this that's definitely never been seen.  This one feels like something I'd've leaked at some point because it's fairly tame and the clothing gave me a false sense of propriety.  

hrm should i tag characters by one consistent name even if they changed names across universes, or should i stick with "ruth lesse" and "dina sarazu" and be more accurate but orphan these images from their dumbiverse counterparts



Seth Aaron Hershman has they she pronouns

I feel like if you're gonna split tags by universe you might as well commit and put parentheticals on all the tags of folks who have the same name in both 'verses. Also yeah, pretty sure I've seen this before.

Chris Codina

I do not remember when and where you first shared this but you definitely did because I immediately remembered the explosion in my brain from when I originally saw it.


I have definitely seen both this one and its sequel, though I don't remember where. I've been an avid fan of everything you do since the original It's Walky! run, so it could have been anywhere.


Just do both. Tags are cheap. When you want a specific universe's Ruth you can search by full name, otherwise just search RUTH for all multiverse variations.

Douglas Appelt

I've seen it! I even have a copy of it. Always loved this one. I have the png version from 2005 plus the more intense one you made in 2013. Muy caliente!


I need them back 💀


Re: Tags: Maybe do both for the Dumbiverse versions?


I think you posted both of these to tumblr ages ago because I remember both of them. I distinctly remember some commentary about how you had to redraw the second one?


NOTE: When I say "the sequel" I mean one I drew subsequently in 2005, not the art I drew for a 50K Kickstarter stretchgoal a number of years back. I think a few of you are getting confused with that one.


not this one: https://itswalky.tumblr.com/post/52517222988/hey-guess-whose-kickstarter-passed-50k-and


I've definitely seen this one before, so it was leaked SOMEWHERE. Probably Tumblr