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Hey all, Kristian here. I have been trying to figure out this YouTube issue all weekend. Apparently some of you can access the entire event and some can only access main event. Has that updated for you all?

We are transitioning into a new team for Patreon so please forgive the lack of communication this weekend. Everyone is scrambling to figure out what YouTube is doing. It seems to be a live stream upload issue but the Rocha-Erwin match didn’t seem to have that problem.

Is it still happening for all of you now? Has it caught up? Please let us know.

EDIT: Apparently it works on the phone or if opened up in gmail. Bizarre. we are working on it and will hope this issue doesn’t arise on Friday. We will be prepared if it does, thank you! Thanks for being patient. Real pain in the butt.



Adam Morales

I saw it live, being a $10 patron. I didn't have any issues with the stream.


Just looked and it looks like it's back to normal for me


I had the issue on Friday night but it was okay for me Saturday afternoon when I checked again. Thanks!


Just checked 3 hrs 30 ish both matches there


I was able to watch the full match last night no issues. Thanks for checking in!


It looks to be working now


I tried both YouTube links from each of the Patreon messages, and they both pulled up the entire event.


Just checked and still having the issue


I was able to access the full event on my phone, however on my Firestick, PS4, Nintendo Switch and laptop I was only able to access the second match Still only giving me the last two hours on those 4 devices I’ve just listed.


When I tried to watch Friday night/Saturday morning I could access the whole event on my phone okay, but had issues with my Chromebook. I decided to try watching on a different browser other than Google Chrome and I was able to watch the whole event no problem. Hope this helps a bit.


I just checked, both matches are on the video


I watched live and the repeat link was ok all the time also.


nope it hasn't caught up for me yet.


If I open the link in my e-mail (outlook) you guys send friday it still shows just the IG match - when I open this e-mail in my g-mail app I get the correct video.

Deonte W. (TonguePunchFartBox)

Seems to work but again, I'm one of the many who DIDN'T have an issue to begin with. I didn't watch live, I watched the morning after and it played everything. Including the 15 minute countdown to start. So this comment may not help.


I had this issue late Friday night/early Saturday morning on the iOS YouTube app. It would only allow me to watch the the final two hours of the stream. I was able to watch the entire stream on both YouTube via Safari on my iPhone and my Roku YouTube app.


It's very strange when I check it on my phone it gives the entire event. When I use the YouTube app on my TV it only shows the main event. Very strange.


I watched live on my phone and worked fine. It was a great event as always. Sorry for those that are having issues. Keep up the hardwork MTS and Kristian


Not sure if this helps any, but full event shows up when I watched it on my IPhone, but only IG match shows up when I pull it up on laptop or Roku TV


Had the issue all weekend. Still not caught up.


I had no problem with the matches the next morning using my android phone 🙂


Full event on phone, only main event on laptop. Happens with YT sometimes when the stream is too long.


I had this issue on my live streams in the last 2 years (including SEN (and Collider) Live), but not this time.


I think one link is just the title match and the other is both


Watched it all on the YouTube iPhone app Saturday afternoon and it worked great!


I started watching a few hours after it streamed and the whole thing was there. Then a few hours later, it was only the IG match. Stayed like that for most of yesterday. (Fortunately, I'd already seen the undercard by that point). Now whole thing seems to be available again. So no idea what happened 🤷🏽‍♀️


I can only get the IG match at this time


I never had any issues. Sorry for those that did.


I had no issues with the replay the morning after the event, both matches were there for me


There were 2 e-mails. The first one titled: Smets vs Dhandapani: Live at 5pm PDT has the complete match. Later there was a mail titled: We are live now! Wich only shows the ig title match.


The link took me to the Smets match, but it was actually the video for the whole stream. I just had to back up to the start of the video to watch the teams match.


Take your time and fix the problem. You already spoil us with the great content.


I was able to watch both matches on my Android phone, but when I casted from the phone to my Roku box only the second match played. Only the second match plays from PC. Hope that helps.


Just seeing the IG match ($10 Patreon here); can’t back it up before that.


Are you watching on computer or phone? Apparently it works on phone. And working for some and not others. Maybe refresh?


Are you watching on computer or phone? Apparently it works on phone. Also try Safari and not Chrome. Let us know if this helps.


First time I checked it was about 8h after PPV start time and the video was exactly 1:59:59 and with the second match only. Then, after another 6h i could watch the whole show. The interesting thing is, that at first time, moving seek bar i could see on the timestamp thumbnails the first match screenshots, so it looks like the YT postprocessing made only the last two hours available at first and it took about 12 hours to finish it properly.


Was able to watch it perfectly fine last night. Thank you for all you do Kristian and team! We appreciate you in these crazy times!


I still have the IG main event in my end under my laptop


Hi I watch both match on friday at my PC, but after that I only can see the IG match. ($10 Patron)


I'm in the same boat as another patron who commented - i can watch the whole stream on my android but not my PC. I refresh the video every once and awhile and it's still just the innergeekdom match


Steam and link worked fine for me but I was using my phone


Appreciate the update, thanks for the entertainment and hard work everyone


I was only able to see the IG Title Match. Thanks for following up.


Can we get a separate link for the teams match?


Because I can see on my phone or the other browsers


I was only able to watch the IG match. Thanks for the update Kristian!


This was exactly my experience as well. Was lucky to avoid spoilers and later managed to mirror just my phone screen to my TV via Chromecast. Still have the same issue on other platforms though. Also, now the stream length seems to be cut down from 3,5 hours to 3,25 hours; maybe someone cut out the first 15 minutes of countdown? Anyways, a great event despite the issues!


When clicking the link thru Patreon, only seems to have the ig match. I tried saving it to my watch later playlist. Opened the YouTube app and the whole ppv event seems to be there now.


Sadly I can only watch the main event. If I have to wait till it’s on YouTube fully I understand. Also thank you for a awesome program and being open with your fans


Only main event for me.


In the laptop only the main event, but in the app in my phone and tablet I can access the hole video, I don't understand why the laptop is the problem 🤔🤷🏾‍♀️

Garth McMurray

Still only the main event for me.


Still starts right at the beginning of the Smets Chandru match for me


I tried opening from my gmail and on my iPhone and it still doesn't work, Only the title match.


FYI I am using my phone and all the links through Patreon all take me to the same place on YouTube that starts with exactly 2 hours on the match and at the IG match no undercard.


Yes please this would help so much I can’t access it anywhere either


Try it on Safari? If not yet, try on phone. And there were two emails apparently. Garth try the first email with the link NOT the one that says we are live now


For me it works on the iPhone YT app and not in Safari or Firefox.


I'm a UK android user and it worked fine for me. I watched it about 24 hours after the event


I was able to watch it once I got it through to the Youtube app


I watched last Friday’s event live on my iPad. It worked okay all throughout. I watch Friday’s live event on my tv and it worked fine throughout too. I will check to see if it works on repeat in awhile.


Just checked it on my phone. It was playing from the beginning just fine now. Thanks!


I just checked from my laptop. Seems to be working from the beginning.


My phone had both matches my computer only had the main event


It won’t work on my laptop, phone, or iPad. However, it works on the Firestick. All I had to do was open it in YouTube on my phone, sign in, the close it out, go to the YT app on the Firestick and it was there in my history with the full 3.5 hours


It works for me


I think if you’re able to get it to open in the actual app it works. I didn’t have any luck with that in my iPhone but it seems others have 🤷‍♂️


While I watched the live event on my tv and it worked out fine, the replay only lists the event as 2hrs on safari and on the Patreon post (where you can watch the match from there). The main event (Smets V Chandru) is only played. If I watch the match on the YouTube app through my phone and iPad, the entire event (3 hrs 30min) is played. This happens on both my my phone and iPad. Hope this clear up any confusion and you are able to fix it soon.


If I go to my email and go to the very first link that was sent it accesses both matches. No other link anywhere will play both. Thanks for the idea of checking that guys


Watched it last night and it worked perfectly fine for me. EDIT: I watched it on Google Chrome using my laptop. Have not tried it on an iPad or mobile phone.


On iPhone it only works in the YouTube app. Safari only loads the main event


Missed the teams match live. Can't get the patreon link to work, only the main event loads on both chrome on computer and ipad.


I opened it on my Samsung phone fine. My wife and I watched the entire thing on the TV. Up until now I didn't know there was an issue. You guys are doing a great job!!


If anyone needs a fix I found one! Follow the Patreon link to safari, log into your YouTube account. After that save the video to a playlist, then return to the YouTube app and open your playlist and boom the video is there. *note this was done on IPhone, same should work or lap/desktop.


Mine doesn’t even have the post for the match, with the YouTube link.


$10 patron


i only have the main event does anyone know when it will be fixed because i dont want to watch the main event until i watch the first match be i dont want the standings to be spoiled for me


Thanks for looking into this Kristian. I didn't get the Rocha-Erwin or Smets match, either the main event or undercard. So weird.


UPDATE Just followed the video link from the email and it works for the ENTIRE match! I tried each day this weekend to watch it and only got the main event. Technical difficulties suck, but these matches are soo good and worth the wait! Yakoke to the whole Schmoedown Team for the hard work you put in.


We did not have any issues with any of the PPV events. All was PERFECT here. Surprised to hear about the issues.


We did log on via the video link provided to us in the Patreon email each time.