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Hi there Schmoedown Fans!!

Just wanted to let y'all know that I have officially opened up the ALL NEW $250 One-on-One Coaching with a Schmoedown Superstar Tier! Our inaugural coach will be none other than "The Boss" himself, Ben Bateman! This tier is perfect for anyone looking to take their Schmoedown game to the next level, whether you want to move from the fan leagues to the big leagues, or just finesse your movie trivia knowhow, and you could not ask for a better coach than Ben!

Since, given the current situation, we rolled out this tier a little later than anticipated, anyone who signs up for this tier by April 6th (next Monday) will be scheduled for a session with Ben sometime before the end of April. Going forward we will fulfill the month AFTER you sign up, so if you sign up after April 6th, you'll be signing up for a session in May, if you sign up in May, your session will be scheduled in June and so on and so forth. This tier is limited to only 5 Patrons per Month, so sign up fast!

We'll have a different coach every month who we will announce within the first two weeks of the month before they do their sessions, so you'll have plenty of time to sign up!

Coaching sessions will take place virtually, preferably via Discord, but we're flexible! We will reach out to work on scheduling a time with you after you sign up.

For anyone who does decide to do this and signs up either today or tomorrow, please be sure to change your tier to a lower level before Wednesday April 1st or you will be charged again. However! If you wish to remain at this tier in April and receive an additional coaching session in May with a different, as yet to be determined coach, you are welcome to stay!

We know that, in light of current events, this tier may be a stretch financially for many of you and we 100% understand. However if you do have the means and the interest, we'd love to  have you be one of the first people to help us test out what we believe will be a really fun new tier.

If you have any questions, please shoot me a message on Discord or email me at schmoedownpatreon@gmail.com. That's the fastest and most efficient way to get in touch with me! Also if you're interested in supporting the show at this level, but would like to donate your coaching session to someone else, let me know via either of the aforementioned avenues and I will be happy to help you do so.

Hope you're all staying well out there!

Emma :-)



Ben is probably the best coach for stuff like this!


Perhaps. To be honest, my only reservation with Bateman is that I feel that he's the type of player that will withhold certain information in the event that he ever plays you. I want to see how he coaches when he retires.