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For all non 10.00+ patrons who want to watch the matches this weekend right away:

There is nothing like live events, real time results and social media rants & raves with fellow fans! Buy a livestream pass now! www.theschmoedownlive.com/livestreams



Will I be able to watch it a few hours later if I buy the pass? Not sure I'll be able to catch it live because of time difference, but don't want to wait until it's posted for patrons since "no spoiler ban" is apparently the new normal...

Adam Morales

I got my live stream ticket!


If nothing has changed in the delivery system from last year you should be able to go back and watch a few hours afterwards.


As someone whose gone to events and also watched them live the chat is just as great as being there in the theater because we're all here for one thing and that's to see multiple film fans duke it out in a trivia battle.


So if you're a $10 or above patron, do you get a link to the live stream, or how does that work?


In the past there has always been a link here on Patreon


Anyone know when the stream starts?