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This is a public post - so spread the good word to any non-Patrons who may be attending the event this Saturday.

As you all know, in addition to five INCREDIBLE matches, we’re also having our first ever Schmoedown Expo!! Many of your favorite Schmoedown personalities will be in attendance, peddling their wares and will be available for photographs, autographs etc. We’ll also have posters, props, shirts and other Schmoedown memorabilia for purchase.

Here are some tips to make the most of your Schmoedown Expo Experience.

  1. BRING CASH. This is basically a mini convention. If you’ve ever been to a convention you know, some vendors are unable to accept card payment. This will definitely be true on Saturday.
  2. It is up to the individual talent to set their pricing. Some may choose to sign for free. Others will not. Please be respectful of people’s choices and expect to pay for anything beyond the one photograph included with you ticket.
  3. Bring a bag! California is a reusable bag kind of state. Pick one up at the closest...well anywhere, CVS, Ralph’s, Trader Joe’s, etc. Or make sure you have space in your backpack.
  4. Comfortable foot ware encouraged. You will be standing in lines. Actually comfortable clothing in general is encouraged since it’s going to be a long day. But an EXTREMELY fun one. :-)
  5. Did I say bring cash? BRING CASH.

Looking forward to seeing so many of you on Saturday!!




Awesome! So we're allowed to bring a backpack for the fan expo, are we allowed to bring backpacks into the theater?


Thanks, Emma! If we can bring backpacks into the theater, can we bring water or food? Or is there food for sell at the theater? Are there breaks between matches to get food or take a bio break?


I have one underlying question: The event starts at 2PM Pacific. Will there be breaks at prescribed times. Also when is the expected end time for the event


thanks in advance


So you want us to bring our credit cards, debit cards, checks, foreign money, Monopoly money, and more. Got it. Lol just kidding. Cash I will bring.


There will be an intermission after the third match! I suspect everything should wrap up by 8pm. The Free for All was a long event too but honestly it FLEW by!


Yes please, Ken and I actually only accept traveler’s checks printed prior to 1994 at our table. ;-)




This is great to know! Thanks so much, Emma! This will be my first time around the area, so I wanted to ask, will there be designated parking for the venue, or will we have to find parking that is near the area?


Is the fan expo included with general admission tickets? I won some last night and wasn't sure how it works. If not can they still be purchased?