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Hello all, Harloff here. I just wanted to make sure you all knew how all of us here are so excited to have you all as supporters of the Schmoedown. You all have kept the Schmoedown going for the last year and a half and what a year and a half it has been.

We have seen the evolution of the live events, more people at the desk, new belts, new crew, more writers, more editors etc... It is your support and this amazing fan base that allows us to keep doing this fun game show that began on the Schmoes Know Live show in 2014.

We have so many plans and ideas and we are thrilled that you guys are with us along the way. This season has lived up to the moniker of the Magic Season and it isn't even half way done! We have two big tournaments coming up, live events in San Diego, NY, Arizona and Orlando! There are some fun exhibition matches coming and let's not forget about The Spectacular in December. I can't believe this is the 4th Spectacular. Crazy.

You are all the life blood of this show. When I announced in the start of 2018 that we would need to start this Patreon in order to survive, you all answered the call and supported as the Schmoedown strong. I am proud of what we offer here because we want to make this a go to source of entertainment for you all, the same way you would get entertainment out of any other streaming service. 

Emma Fyffe is just a damn dream. She is really legendary when it comes to communicating with all of you and finding out what you like, dislike, want more of, less of and she care so much. I have been blessed to be able to work with both her and Brianne Chandler who put their hearts and souls into this. I am always humbled when I realize how much the Schmoedown means to so many people.

My goal is to give you all more programming. I am aiming to create shows with your favorite competitors and I already experimented with it last month to see how it would go. We set up a Q and A with competitors and then the pre and post shows for Collision and it seemed like you all enjoyed it a lot. It made me realize that a Comic Book Movie Q and show with Kalinowski and Cushing and Smets could be a blast. I want to get myself and Ellis back on camera together more and think this new format could do just that.

I have been talking with Brett Sheridan and he and I will also be doing a show together. I want to do a behind the scenes of the Schmoedown. I know Bateman is down among others who will appear. 

My goal is mid to late August to get all of this going. It is something that excites me and I think will get all of you excited as well. My overall plan is that the Schmoedown has its own studio shooting non-stop programming but in all due time. For now, I think this plan works and I hope you do too.

So I write this to let you all know that YOU are all making this possible. The support you have given to us and give to us monthly allows us to make this thing the best it can be. I hope you all see what we are aiming for and this is still just the beginning. 

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. This is my baby and you guys are helping it grow.



Adam Morales

Thank you Mr. Chairman for all you do. The Schmodeown is something I look forward to every week. Especially the live events. Knowing that if I can't be there I can stream it. You and your whole team rock. 🤘👏


Thanks for everything you do, man!


Thank you for all the great content! I love the Schmoedown!

Billy Pollihan

Thank you to the cast,crew,and most importantly the fans,y’all rock!

Adam Thomason

Thanks to the Chairman, Mark Ellis, Emma Fyffe and everybody behind the scenes and in front of the camera for making the Schmoedown the most entertaining thing on the Internet!!! Can’t wait to see it grow and expand even more!!!


Thank you so much Kristian and the whole crew, you guys are the best!!!!!!! Also, just a question Id like to get everyone's opinion on even though it's off topic: what's the best single schmoedown match to show my friends to get them into it? Personally the way I first saw the schmoedown was through the Free4All 2.


It's my pleasure to support you all. I look forward to the new matches every week. Keep it on! It's amazing!


No problem mr Harloff, you deserve every penny! You havent failed us yet, so keep doing what youre doing!


We finally took a break from Schmoedown programming. Have to get to watching some movies for reasons. Just wrapped up Ready Player One with the girls and between the book and the movie I cannot help but notice the similarities between it and the Schmoedown. Harloff and Ellis are not unlike Halladay and Og and especially with the participation in the fan leagues, the Schmoedown is very much like the Oasis. It’s a place where you can be whoever you want to be. You guys are really capturing the imagination with this thing and I cannot wait to see where you go next. Aside from your imagination, your greatest strength are those you surround yourself with. The collection talent, Brains, heart, and tenacity is remarkable. It’s easy to root for good people. Keep killing it. We have your back. Always.


This season has been great! Everything from top to bottom, love it all! I'm anxiously awaiting AZ tickets to go on sale!


i am happy and proud to be a patron and i am super hapopy that you guys gives us an amazing show and extra content . thanks to all the hard working people that makes the show possible .


Thank you, Emma, the whole crew and contestants. I always enjoyed the Schmoedown before but I’ve been so pleased being a Patron. The live stream events and pre/post game shows are fantastic. Thank you for the great content! Looking forward to the future and enjoying “the now” as it is.


Thank you so much Kristian, not just for the Schmoedown itself, but for being the first to conceive movie trivia as a sport and for building this community. I am so proud to be a movie trivia competitor and so privileged to be a part of this amazing community.


Thank you for all that you're doing here! It means a lot as there's always something there to look forward to and talk about with the rest of the fans. Everyone's hard work and dedication truly shows and it makes the show so much better!


Thank you Kristian. Cast and Crew. You’ve done great. Can’t wait to see what comes next


Question: Smets v Hlavac. Is that a #1 Contenswr match or what?


Aaaahhhh I'm so excited for the future & the growth of SD. So grateful to each and every person who makes it happen... We are in this together and making something great. Thank you Kristian for your vision and leadership!


Watching the Schmoedown on Monday and Friday is always a highlight of my week. I can't pinpoint exactly why I love it, but I just do. Keep up the great content!


We thank you for creating such a juggernaut of an entertainment show! Lovin all of it man! See ya in San Diego!

Corrine DePatra

Love the content and am proud to be a Patron. Great job Kristian!


See you in SD for the SD with S v H and K v C. It’s gonna be OOTW!


Thank YOU Kristian, and the whole Schmoedown family! I am honored with the opportunity of contributing to a program that I look forward to watching every week.


Don't forget the Patreon Fan league, too! #MovieTriviaFaceOff


With the amazing content you all are putting on, it would be crime not to help support it in any way we can. Thanks for the constant entertainment each week, for meaningfully interacting with the fans, and for all the evident hard work you all bring to the league. We would not all be united in supporting this fantastic show if we didn't know how each competitor, interviewer, crew member, and announcer pours their heart into making this show the best it can be.

Karl Ruben Weseth

Hey, that was my entry point into the Schmoedown as well! Even so, I think you're right in that it might not be the ideal thing to recommend for newbies, given that it's a long-ass video. I'd say maybe Founding Fathers v Korruption, or perhaps one of the Shirewolves' title matches? Maybe a Cushing v. Kalinowski if they're into the more geeky side of things?

Garth McMurray

Thanks for so, so many hours of great entertainment! The $10 tier is totally worth it for all the behind the scenes videos & exhibition matches (fingers crossed for a James Bond exhibition match with everyone in tuxedos & costumes).