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Hi there Patrons and followers!

Just in case anyone has not gotten the memo, here's a quick reminder that there will be NO new match today. The the first half of  Saturday's event will be made available to ALL Patrons tomorrow afternoon!

However! The good news is, because of this, we're extending the availability of the VOD of the Collision III livestream! It will be available to view until tomorrow, Tuesday, June 25 at 11:00am PT. So if you haven't had a chance to watch it yet, there's still plenty of time to buy a ticket or upgrade to the $10+ Tier and check it out!

Get your tickets here: https://www.theschmoedownlive.com/livestream

Thanks again for a great event on Saturday. It was awesome to see so many of you in the live chat both during the matches and in the pre/post-shows! Look forward to the edited version tomorrow!


Livestream Tickets - Schmoedown Live!



Will we be able to watch the post show with the interviews? I wasn’t able to catch it live.


Do we know what time does the link gets sent today?


prob either 4 or 5 EST