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Hey there Schmoedown Patrons! A couple weeks back I announced that Tim Sim would be taking over the responsibility of crafting the monthly Patreon Exclusive article. Here is the first installment! Enjoy!


A Disagreement between Commissioners

By Tim Sim

Hello and welcome to this first issue of The Insight, a deep look into the Movie Trivia Schmoedown from all aspects. For this first issue, I want to cover a potential dispute that is brewing not just within the divisions or stables, but between the leaderships of the league. One that is in between Commissioners Emma Fyffe and Samm Levine. What started, why did it start at all, and what are the possible ramifications if it blossoms out?

Before we get inside this problem, here’s a brief history: with the league expanding to its greatest breadth in “The Magic Season,” Chairman Kristian Harloff saw that he needed not just one but multiple commissioners to run the various divisions of the Schmoedown while he personally oversees the Star Wars Division. One was awarded to Emma Fyffe who won the Commissioner Bowl, a match set up by Harloff behind-the-scenes to oust then-Commissioner Thadd Williams from his seat; the other given to former Schmoedown champion Samm Levine. He assigned Emma to oversee both Teams and Innergeekdom Divisions, and Samm the Singles Division with the confidence that both will take no nonsense from the competitors.

It was a good start, just like as we saw in history when people are given roles to do in an organization or government. However, there have been recorded moments in time and in stories where there have been disagreements between two persons of power. In time, it would bowl over into a dispute with one taking full control from the other. Ask Cassius and Brutus when they could not agree on how to rule Rome after assassinating Caesar, Heihachi and his devil son Kazuya after Heihachi killed his devil wife Kazumi in the Tekken series, or Scar when he killed Mufassa to become king in The Lion King. What we are witnessing is the start of that struggle, as much as it can be a disappointment to the Chairman himself who wanted multiple people to run the divisions properly with no troubles.

It all started one day, when Emma Fyffe came over to Samm Levine who was on the phone doing probably non-Schmoedown business according to her. Emma accused him for not being active as her when it comes to promoting the Schmoedown, talking to competitors, settling disputes, and scheduling matches to happen. Her statement holds weight indeed, from the start of this season to now, we have seen more work from Emma Fyffe when it came to settling the tensions between Ben Batemen and Andrew Ghai; setting up matches to happen in her respective divisions; and issuing a suspension to Josh Macuga for sexual acts with the championship belt. That is more than compared to what Samm did: scheduling a #1 contender triple threat singles match, presenting the champion Dan Murrell with his new belt, and ordering a lot of belt polish. As much as Samm was taken aback with what Emma accused him of, he agreed to work harder.

It could’ve been the end of that and Samm could have picked up the pace, but he chose to do something devilishly. Entering Emma’s office, Samm agreed that he needs to pick up the slack and tells her that he has scheduled a match for Chance Ellison. This was something that Emma initially excited about, until Samm revealed that she will be Chance’s opponent. His explanation was that Emma was still in the Singles Rankings right above Chance despite not having any desire to compete in the Schmoeodwn. Giving Chance an opportunity to move up by defeating her is what Samm wants. In the end, he tells her that this is what “commissioning” is all about.

In that match, Emma did everything she can to hold up against the rising superstar of Chance Ellison. Unfortunately, Chance was too much for her to keep up with that led to her defeat. While she congratulated Chance on the victory, she decided that it’s time for payback against Samm. In a one-up move against Samm to show how “commissioning” is done, Emma announced a fatal four-way Innergeekdom match that will come on June 17 for $2-and-up patrons, and June 18 for $1 patrons. In that match, it will have Chance Ellison competing in his first ever Innergeekdom match as some sort of payback for agreeing with Samm to have that singles match happen.

What she has done is start a string of one-upping between her and Samm to prove who is better at commissioning. If it haven’t been for Samm putting Emma in that singles match against Chance, I would not talk of this possible grudge between the two commissioners. Unfortuately, here I am writing about what could be a huge grudge dispute between Emma and Samm. This time, there will be more competitors than just KOrruption that will be used as pawns for this dispute. An aspect of Kristian Harloff’s plan that has gone wrong, this will build up even more throughout the weeks and months ahead. Don’t be surprised if it all comes to a head with a match between the two Commissioners, for history has it written that disputes will come to a head between the two foes and end with one taking it all. This has happened between Kazuya and his father Heihachi over the death his mother in the Tekken series, and this will happen soon between Emma and Samm whether in this year’s Schmoedown Collision or Schmoedown Spectacular.

What do you think? Personally, I am DELIGHTED by our storyline being compared to that of the Mishima family. Will Samm and I settle our differences or will more chairs be thrown?




Really well written.


I love this, and I saw the storyline developing immediately, seeing that first "cut scene" between Samm and Emma. I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE!!!!


Was not expecting a reference to Tekken. Love it though.