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Hey everyone!!

If you haven't had a chance to watch the VOD of last night's absolutely insane match in Houston there is STILL TIME! VOD will remain available until tomorrow morning at 9am PT!

So if you're at the $10 Tier or higher - enjoy any time before then. And if you're at a lower tier, there's still time to upgrade or purchase a stream ticket AND watch Game of Thrones!


Buy Livestream Tickets - Schmoedown Live!



Couldn't catch it yesterday. Being able to this afternoon was great. Great show, guys!

Ronald Foster

It is probably somthing I am doing wrong but all I get when I press play is. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5c5b21247980b322272f3d9f/t/5ca178260d92972348cce583/1558277901834/?format=1500w


I have no idea? Did you manage to watch it? The Team Match will be up later this afternoon!