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Hey there Patrons & Fans!

As I am sure MANY of you are aware, a LOT of the crew was in Chicago this weekend for Star Wars Celebration. And it snowed yesterday, so there have been some pretty massive flight delays.

We were absolutely thrilled to have both Aaron, who edits matches, and RB3, who edits inside Schmoedown with us on this trip. However, Aaron did not get in until nearly 4 AM and RB3 is actually still stuck in Chicago. So, needless to say, travel delays are going to result in editing delays, hence, we’re not really sure when today’s videos will be posted. One of the challenges of being in a small crew is that, for the most part, we have a single person dedicated to each job, so when something happens to them, the content is also affected.

We will have the edited Team Match between ”Who’s the Boss?” + “The Odd Couple” posted at some point today. No exact ETA at the moment.

Thank you so much for your patience,




Thanks for the update, Emma!!!!


Rest up guys, it’s cool!


No problem, as you guys are healthy and rested we’ll be fine!


Hope y’all are safe. We’re chilled 😅


No worries, you all do an awesome job so we understand 😊

Jim W

No worries Emma. Saw it Live on here and it’s worth the wait for those who have not seen it. Congrats to the whole crew for another amazing Live event.


No problem Emma, we can wait - hope they can go home soon - thank you for the update


You guys are awesome


All good!

Steven Stark

Ok... I've done the math. Based on my pledge, and a one day delay on a single match, I figure you own me 1.9 cents back... But I'll let it slide just this once.


For those still stuck, have a safe trip back!


I mean the fact that you'll have it ready at all today all things considered is pretty impressive.

Oliver Gehrmann

Thanks for letting us know. I agree with all of the above - it's most important that you guys will all make it home safe. I can wait for another day, I appreciate the amount of high quality content. :-)


Will there be any spoilers for the five way match in this one?


Just get home safe, everybody!

Rob McDonald

I just realized one thing, has there been a Kristian State of the Union address for this month yet?


Travel safe, take your time, we can wait. Thanks for all the entertainment.


Just get home safe. We support because we love you guys. Any of the perks are a bonus.


Thank you to the crew and everyone who busts their butts to get us this content. It’s so horrible to hear how AA treated the crew. Hope RB3 gets home safe and comfortably. You all rock!


Get home safe, rest and re-group. :) Don't feel the need to apologise for the delays. We are all adults and more than capable of waiting a bit longer. Right? ;)