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Monthly audio update from the Chairman, Kristian Harloff.

We are so incredibly thankful for how much our Schmoedown Patreon family has grown this month.



I think you just spoiled the innergeekdom title match. I'm on the $1 plan and haven't received the video yet. And you spoiled not only the winner but the play by play. I'm only a little bit angry, mostly I just find it funny 😂😂


John Tai thanks for letting us know about the spoiler. Bad form Kristian, bad form.


Weeeell, he said in the audio that spoilers ahead before he mentioned the results. Just saying. :)


Please please please put a spoiler warning in the description. I know someone said you mentioned spoiler warning real quick, but listening while I'm driving it's not all that easy to shut it off quick enough, without ending up at the side of the road. I think a lot of us would appreciate it! Keep up the good work


My apologies Nick! I will be more conscientious about this in the future. -Emma