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The Innergeekdom Title is on the line! Mike “The Killer” Kalinowski attempts to defend his title against one of the all time greats in the League, Rachel “The Crusher” Cushing!

Also featuring a match with surprise hit team “The Odd Couple” (Marc Andreyko & Jeff Sneider) and breakout team the “Scream Queens” (Haleigh Foutch & Kalyn Corrigan) – this is sure to be a debut event that will go down in Schmoedown History!


REMEMBER! If you are a $10+ Patron, you will be able to access the livestream at NO additional cost! No need to “purchase” tickets this time around–meaning you don’t need to enter a promo code on EventBrite! You’ll automatically receive the link to the stream via Patreon TOMORROW at noon Pacific Time! You can join the $10 Tier at ANY time during the stream for instant access!

Tickets are available for purchase until 12:00pm (noon) PT on Sunday February 24th and the VOD will be available until 11:59pm PT the same day. You can scrub back to catch up from the beginning, even after the live event has already started.

Hope to “see” you all there!




Jim W

Can’t wait. I missed the last live show. $10.00 tier ready to go. Thanks Emma.


I all ready got my ticket really excited!!


Missed the last live show too. Had to work. Upgraded to $15 tier and hyped!


Will there be an edited version released to the public like the New York show, or is this the only way to ever watch these matches?


I'll be there! Very Excited!


I just upped my tear to the $10 one. When should I receive the link for the throw down


I upgraded to $10 tier, going to be out when the show is live so can't wait to watch the VOD when I get home!


what time does it start on the east coast?


I believe it starts at 8pm EST.


As it says in the post, the link will be posted for $10+ Patrons by NOON today.


I just HOPE, for all of your sakes, Eventbite has tweaked how they give out Live Stream links, and that, 1)They are trackable, so you know WHO gets what link, and IF that link is accessed by more than 1 user, 2), that the Links are RANDOM, ONE-TIME usage,, so you don't get FUBAR'D out of people buying the Live Stream, and losing income from tickets (like supposedly happened for the NY Event, when they had 5000 watching LIVE, as per the view count at the times they said it in NYC in the pre show and during the live show, when clearly 5000 had not bought it by the numbers, and links posted on various Reddit links...I'll keep and eye out on You Tube when it begins and IF someone is streaming it from their account and the video is showing what's going on, I WILL let you know ASAP!


So if mine would start at 8 would I just get a notification and I click that?