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Hello $2+ Tier Patrons!

As many of you were good enough to point out, there was indeed a spoiler at the end of the Harris Bros VS Critically Acclaimed match. Thank you for catching it and bringing it my attention. There are other scenes that have been filmed that set up what you all learned, but they're scheduled to appear on a later match.

There are a LOT of moving parts in the Schmoedown and since, as with basically all tv/film production, we film things out of order, sometimes these things slip through the cracks.

The video that will be posted for Patrons at the $1+ level today and to the public on Thursday does NOT contain that spoiler. I know you're all great at keeping secrets and will act totally shocked when that does get officially revealed in the coming weeks.

Thanks again for being so diligent!




Yeah I remember hearing something, and I thought, “wait... timeout.... did I miss something?” Good to know I’m not crazy.


I don’t even know what it is, totally missed it I guess.


Thanks for the heads up! I was going to watch the match this afternoon but perhaps I will wait until the fresh post for the $1 patrons


I just kind of assumed i missed it. Im glad thats not the case because i was shocked! Cant wait to see what actually happens!


Shit happens, no problem Emma


You're definitely not! For my part, because, obviously, I know where the story is going, when people started going, "WAIT, is that a SPOILER?" I had no idea what they were talking about. And then I thought about it...


Yeah no problem. But I’m realy sad about the thing?


Even better for you. So you can get it when it drops throuhg the storyline.


I thought that this thing was an error in the cut. So excited now to see how it comes up in the storyline


No problem, i didnt even notice anything lol

Oliver Gehrmann

I watched it today and have to say I'm also not sure what you're referring to. ^^ If it's regarding the post credits scene: I just assumed you didn't want to "spoonfeed" us every little thing and that's why it was revealed this way.

James Spence

Do we know exactly when that info will be revealed to the public?


Wait, I'm one of the lucky few that got to see that post credit? If that is so my lips are sealed Emma!


I thought it was more of an implied thing! That was a cool treat. We're not gonna say anything, Emma. 😶😶😶


My lips are sealed :-)


Only now watched the #1 contender match and was like "WHAT!!!!, timeout"... didn't see that one coming... :( But, my lips are sealed.