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Hi there Patrons! Been wanting to test out livestreaming on Patreon and thought it would be great to sit down and chat with all of you, get some direct feedback on the live event, and see what kinds of things you would like to see incoprorated into Patreon in the future. Here are som possible times I am looking at. Vote for what time works best for you! I’d love for as many people to join as possible!

NOTE: I am, of course, planning to archive this so you can go back and watch! I realize Pacific Time is a tricky timezone for basically anyone who doesn’t live in it!




Thank you


I don't typically watch stuff live, so I'm holding back my vote on this. But I would like to say I appreciate when the live streams are available to watch afterwards so I can still enjoy the content when I get around to watching it.


I can't watch this live, so I won't cast a vote for this, sorry. I do watch them, but not live.


I will do my best to archive it so it will be available for patrons to watch later! This is an experiment for me, but I am sure it’s possible and will make every effort to figure it I out! -Emma

Rob McDonald

For me I can join for literally any of the times except for 12pm on Wednesday and of course that's the one that's winning. Lol!


Yeah I generally can't watch live as well so I won't vote either. Daytime just is too hard to try and watch when I'm at work.


Literally the only time I can join would be 8PM GMT :)


wed noon pst works for me


East Coast here. Those 3PM are only ones I could make but may still be early with work and traffic. Will do my best and thanks for your efforts!


Not in the continental US so I can never watch live, but always watch when it’s posted to the $10 tier. Appreciate all you do and are taking on.


How does this time thing work, how is 12 pm earlier than 3pm? Isnt 12pm like 24:00/00:00?


It doesn't matter if you can actually watch it "LIVE" or just the same livestream for 24 hours after the event they could still use your input because you will be watching the same video as it was seen live.


Glad y'all are looking for some input.


It was very much an experiment for us! We’ve definitely already learned some things, but we can always do better!


Unfortunately, I work on Tuesdays during those times, but I hope to make on Wednesday!!


Being in the UK the Wednesday one is best as it's sociable hours (plus I put my son to bed at 7:30 lol)


Either way, just wanted to give you a shout-out for being one of the best Schmoedown competitors!! I trust you and Samm Levine will do what is right during as Commisoners!! Keep up doing the great work on the Patreon!!


If you're willing to push Teusday at 5pm back an hour, I can make it. Otherwise I wont be able to attend.


east coast (maine) here. if i can’t watch live i’d def watch asap if archived. i thought saturday was a success besides the sound issues in the first hour. i can’t wait till the next event!


Anytime works for me, but I voted for the earliest one since it's slightly more convenient for me and likely for those patrons outside the US


The only one I can't make is the June 30th at 12 PM and unfortunately that's the one getting most of the votes.


East coast for me too, so your 12pm is likely best for my schedule.


the 3pm slots are pretty good too actually.


I voted for the only one I COULD make, which is Tues 5pm