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Hey all, I wanted to post this message from Mara here so you all had it because not everyone has access here. These are Mara’s words and we respect them. We will be resending the categories that she is nominated for so you can re-vote. Please respect her decision. She is my friend first and foremost and happiness and health is #1 priority.



We all respect her decision, and thanks for letting us re-vote. She will always be a favorite in the Schmoedown community.




We will miss you, you were fun to watch. But your health and happiness comes first. Good luck with everything you do in the future and take care of yourself.


Definitely will be missed.


Really gonna miss her but, her health is more important


I wish you all the luck in the world and thank you for the time you spent with the schmoedown! You will be forever remembered fondly!


If I voted for Mara do I have to vote again or will all my other votes still count?


Take care of yourself and get well Mara! Thank you for your very brief yet impreasove run upon the Innergeekdom division!


Thanks for everything you've done Mara. We will deeply miss you. I wish you nothing but the best. Good luck!


Thank You so very much for your explanation. We will all miss you. Health comes first. Hope to see you stop by whenever you feel it's right. If not have a Fantastic new year! And to a Super 2019!!!


Get well Mara! We shall miss you and we’ll never forget the most dominant player the Innergeekdom Division has ever seen.


Very disappointing, but I understand and respect her decision to retire. That said, I don't agree with removing her from the individual awards. The awards are about the league just as much as they are about the individual, so anyone who wins in her categories would always have an asterisk next to the record, which I don't think is fair. If she doesn't want to attend the award show, someone can accept on her behalf. Just my opinion.


Thankful for the Schmoedown's response to respect each competitor as a human first and a player second. Hoping Mara a healthy and happy New Year!


You will be missed Mara, but you've made the right decision - You have to take care of yourself and your health first, that's more important than the MTS - thank you for a wonderful IG tournament and I hope you feel better soon. Wishing you and Dan all the best for 2019 .


Just as with any sport, at the end of the day the competitors are human beings with real human problems that transcend the game. I hope she realizes that while it may seem now that she made a silly decision putting so much into the Schmoedown, she really was a part of something amazing. Thanks for enriching my life by allowing me to watch someone display the passion that i have watched others display for sportsball but instead for the things that i love. Take care Mara.


Too bad Mara, but totally understandable, I hope you know that you didnt let anyone down. You made me and many others smile during your matches. So I would like to thank you for all the "amazing" moments.


It's a shame to see her go she was a great competitor but it was also obvious that her heart wasnt in it


Loved watching her from her first match and I wanted her to take Mike down to get her belt back but her health is more important. I thank her for what she has done and no one can take her accomplishments away from her! Mara will be missed...


Least surprising thing ever. Mike clearly got to her at the end of the match.


Get well, Mara! Your health is more important than any show! <3


Thank you Mara for your effort in the IG League. You rose to the top and nabbed the title, none can take that success away. You had a terrific run and everyone should respect your departure. I hope you get well and do what makes you happy. Again thanks and hopefully you will have a good new year.


Mara was by far my favorite Innergeekdom competitor. I will truly miss her contribution to the league. But I know she has to let it go if he hearts truly not in it. She will truly be missed.

Erik Stevenson

Sending nothing but positive vibes your way, Mara. Thank you for some of the most entertaining and fun matches of the season!


Mara you more than lived up to your moniker of "Amazing" as well as your moniker of "Brown Dwarf Star". You've been a breath of fresh air in every match you played. You'll be missed but I absolutely respect your decision and candor. Thank you for a great Innergeekdom Tournament, live event and Spectacular III! Best of luck to you in the future in every aspect of your life! Thanks for posting this, Brianne!


Mara, you deserve to put your own health as a priority. While its a downer we won’t get to see you in the schmoedown, you have a made a big impact in this league. Be well and may the force be with you.


We appreciate you so much. I’m saddened by this news but happy for you because your health and sanity is always of the most important. Thank you soooo much for this year, and all the epic ness you brought to every match. Mainly for just being you. We love you and wish you the best Mara 💙


Thank you so much. No words can express how much I appreciate what you brought. Wish you only the best!!! =)


You are as Amazing as you and everyone says you are Mara. Get well soon and can’t wait to see you in whatever we get to see you in in the future. Get well son Brown Dwarf Star!!!


Very sad news, but I respect and understand the decision. Mara will always be one of the greats in my eyes.


Thank you for an incredible year and wishing you the all the best!


A classy move, and an understandable one


Honestly, Mara did more in just a few months' time than other players who have been competing for a few years. That's not a knock on the other players though. That's just a testament to Mara's sheer wit and knowledge. I hope you get to feeling better, Mara, physically and mentally. Take good care of yourself. Thank you for making the Inner Geekdom division exciting these past few months. I enjoyed every second of it. Now you go and enjoy yourself.


She's like Geena Davis in A League of thier Own.


Thank you Mara for being yourself. You were my favorite for that reason. I wish you all the best in your future.

Melanie M

Nothing but respect for the Amazing Brown Dwarf Star, my fellow scientist repping for for STEM. She did a great job, she will be missed, but her health is more important than anything else.


An incredible competitor and an incredible person. If yall haven't seen her 1on1 with Kristian interview, I highly recommend it. I'm sad to hear she'll be stepping away from the Schmoedown, but I'm also hopeful that this will give her the time and space and opportunity she needs to get better. Ultimately, thank you Mara for being a part of an awesome chapter in Schmoedown history.


Do you think they’ll just send a ballot with just the categories she was in?


Mara is on the innergeekdom Mount Rushmore. That is until good ole Robert Meyer Burnett comes back to take her spot. MUHAHAHAHA


It takes a lot to be so open and honest with it. She was amazing this season and I would happily vote for her, but making sure you're well is more important than anything else. Good luck, Mara!


i'm so saddened by this but supportive. love you Mara <3


no surprise. you could tell she was done at the Spectacular. i rooted for Mara since day one but she really put me off with how she handled her loss to Mike. i hope she gets healthy and happy soon.


I send her all the best. Having my own health issues, I totally understand. Wish we could still leave her in the running for awards but respect her request to be taken out of the running. Hugs, Mara and wishing you all the best.


Thank you to Mara and all who have supported her... I will always be a fan! 🏆


Mara is great! I’m sure being the best can take a huge toll especially on top of other conditions. Honestly, the storylines don’t appeal to me but I understand what the league is doing. Either way, thank you Mara!!


Good luck Mara. Thanks for the great matches.


Such a bummer. Obviously she needs to do what's best for her, but it would have been so great to see her keep going. Thanks for the memories and we'll all support you if you want to come back!


Respect and good luck in the future for Mara. Sad to see her leave the League, but 100% understand her decision. We all are human beings first and our health and wellbeing comes as a priority.




If she won she would have to show up and accept the award which she probably isn't up for at this time.

Nerd Chronic

Mara is a class act. She’s been very warm and friendly every time I’ve spoken to her, I can’t fathom what she’s going through. Wish her all the best and respect the decision 100%.


Mara did in 2 months what took Kalinowski and Inman 2 years to do; win the Inner Geekdom title. The Schmoedown affects everyone differently, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. In my book, she gets a posthumus place in the Inner Geekdom hall of fame. Whatever your going through Mara, good luck, Champ.


All the best wishes to Mara, she is an awesome person overall , I admire her for what she did on the Inner Geekdom League, but for all she has accomplished out of it... I recommend to listen or watch the 1 On 1 Kristian did with Mara. Hope she gets better soon.


Be well and take care, Miss Knopic.


Thanks to Mara for the explanation. I wish her well. Health should always come first. I will miss Mara in the Schmoedown.


Take care Mara!

Oliver Gehrmann

Thanks for the statement. It put things more into perspective. I wish her well and hope she will be able to enjoy the Schmoedown again at some point (as a watcher). If we will ever be lucky enough to "get her back", I'll immediately be rooting for her! :)


I can't speak for everyone but i personally appreciate the clarity given after the confusion everyone had regarding the Spectacular with Mara's match. I honestly don't think any of us were owed any sort of explanation or even an apology for that matter but that is my opinion and I respect if others feel differently than I do. I wanna thank Mara for her dedication she did put in and for making the sacrifice of her time from other pressing issues to entertain us all. I wish her nothing but the best in whatever she does next and hope her health improves.


Mara, I wish you the best. You definitely made the competition interesting this year.


Mara, it's sad to see you go but not only did you kill it as an awesome competitor, you are a class act. This letter was not something I feel that the audience was owed but you did so anyway. I hope all is well or at least is getting better for your health and personal life. It's easy to say "thank you for your service" but it's well deserved gratitude and respect that you have from this guy.


Completely understand... its more than just trivia now. If you look at all the greats that have competed, they all hit a point where they had to take a break or "retire" for awhile. Hopefully you'll get the itch to come back one day. Good luck!!