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The Machine VS Chance Ellison!



Oh shit!


"Why"? More like Why not? That sounds like a match that'll be close and come down to the last question. They both need more wins under their belt.


Jeannine The Machine!!!!!


Love it!


Go Jeannine!!

Eric Lane

Represent Arizona well Chance.


MACHINE!! (Congrats to both...that is great news)


Nice this will be a great match

''JTH'' Jeremy Hastings

No team match at a Live Event, bummer. That tradition was becoming like the Detroit Lions & Thanksgiving. A little sad to see it come to an end.


Kristian, with all the respect in the world to you, Mark and every competitor in the Schmoedown, I, like many others, really like AND respect Jeannine. She IS a force to be reckoned with, great personality, smart as hell and has improved a lot over the many months of matches, and I like watching her matches. And the same goes for Chance for that matter, as he has been UNREAL!......BUT, that being said, since this IS a huge event, coming across the country to NYC IS a very big deal, as this is the 1st live show outside of LA, I know myself, and many others are looking for more high profile match/matches. .....Over the past cpl of days, I've spoken with a few fans already who said while this is a cool match to see, it doesn't belong in NYC for this LIVE Event. One of em said, "What has Jeannine done to stand out? There's no history really between them? No drama, smack talk etc"...Another said, the smack talk will ramp up now that the match is set."...OK, maybe so?....Will it be a great match? More than likely, yes. Will the fans get into it? Of course. You sold out all the tickets with only the announcement of a Singles Title defense (whomever is current champ after the Spectacular)..........But the under card SHOULD also be high profile, and Jeannine, again, with all do respect to her, and that she has earned, is not as high of a profile as quite a few others competitors in the leagues. If you put out a list of all the contenders who were available to go to NYC, and/or even have the fans RANK each competitor, no doubt in my mind, she would not be in the Top 10, or maybe even 15..... Now, could deciding on which contestant goes to NY depend on their own work schedules? More than likely sure. I myself wondered what other matches and or matches would be a part of this historic event. Like others, imagined for example, Reilly and Bateman vs Andreyko and Sneider. Or KO vs Rachel...KO vs Chance (just to f with em, lol), or a epic rematch from the ANARCHY Tournament where two teams went down to the final round., or had some controversy.......I can think of 5 more matches easily that are higher profile than The Machine vs The Kid (Cobra). Again, all respect to them, but coming to NY, selling out in less than 3 days is HUGE! So, the matches gotta be just as big! And again, while I and as others have said, will probably be a helluva match, this feels like WWE going to MSG with Austin vs Taker title match, and the under card is Goldust v Savio Vega(ther'yre on my TV atm WWE Ntwrk)....Epic title match AND....OK, Cool. great performers, fans like and respect them, and will put on a good to possibly, great match that the fans will get into......Now I know I will probably get some grief from some people, but please see where I am coming from. As I've said to you on here, FB, Twitter etc., Mark the same, and in person over dinner, I BELIEVE in the Schmoedown, and it's huge potential, and I BELIEVE in You and Mark! That won't change....But for a trek across the US, coming to NYC for the 1st time, selling out in less than 3 days, I myself, was hoping for a bigger under card. Again, if people's work schedules played into who you chose from whose available, OK fair enough. I and all the others are STILL going to have a friggan awesome time!......But as a promoter, your job is to get the fans in a frenzy with a great card lineup of matches, that all the fans will get into, want to see, and those who missed out, to make them feel jealous that they didn't act sooner in getting tickets!......One of the people I spoke to said that they didn't get tickets because they were too late, but now seeing what the matches are, he's OK with just seeing it on YT. And that shouldn't be the case. EVERY FAN should be clawing over each other trying to get tickets before they sell out, and again making those who didn't act fast enough, jealous.


I couldn’t disagree more with this post. These are two future stars of the league and both will most likely be nominated for Rookie of the Year. As a MTS fan myself, I’d want to say I saw the undercard with two potential future champions!


You and anyone/everyone else has have every right to agree, disagree, partially agree etc. I don't disagree that they ARE 2 potential future superstars and possible champions. As I said, I respect BOTH players, a lot, and enjoy their matches, and I'm looking forward to the match. It's gonna be interesting, and fun, when the smack talk leading up to it with Ken and Jay begins!....And while Chance does have a shot at ROY, I don't believe Jeannine does. Has she had a good year? Yes. but compared to Chance, Mara and Ethan Erwin, it's not even a question. And by NO MEANS am I attacking or knocking Jeannine!! She's a helluva competitor and no doubt she's gonna come in, and now, lol, with a chip on her shoulder because I'm sure someone will say some guy is knocking her. And that's not what I'm doing....When I 1st saw the match up, I said, sweet, this is gonna be fun!!!...But then after talking to a more than a few fans, hearing their thoughts and opinions, the advertising and promotions part of me kicked in. And the people I spoke to mostly were positive. But overall, when they started throwing other names out they preferred to see, I understood what they were getting at because they wanted higher profile matches and players. Oh they're looking forward too it like I am. But I understand what they were getting at. Being a wrestling fan since 1978, (and haven't stopped watching since), knowing how cards are set up to draw the most people in, that gets the fans buzzing even more, and when an event comes to a city for the first time, what you need to do is go all out or close too all out, so the next time they come, they sell even more tickets.... I ran promotions for a few years, in competitive settings, where we HAD to get a lot of fans in, sell a shit load of tickets etc.. And we sure as hell did!.....But for SOME, seeing two POTENTIAL Champions, doesn't compare too see either current champions, and or the best players in the league coming out to a major city for the 1st time.


Sssshhhh, just be grateful. Its comments like this that make people not want to do thing for other people, when this is the reply. You could send two competitors no one had not even heard of before and had no idea what a movie was and still I would go and watch if this show was local to me!


Edward, you also have to remember, I’m telling a story and the show is being made for the fans who like all of it, not just the trivia. NY gets to see the season premiere of that.


Although I understand Edward's point, the fact that it is the season opener and we get the freaking singles title match as the main event is AMAZING! None of the other live shows had the most storied schmoedown title on the line so that's pretty special. Any extra match added is just a bonus and complaining about it is just getting too greedy imo. Plus to have a guy like Chance who started as a fan and now is competing at a live event is an incredible story!


I appreciate the passion for sure but I am beyond proud of whole card. In order for a league to grow, you have to build new stars. There was a time that no one knew who Rocha was or Kalinowski or Mara. Chance and The Machine have a lot going on with story and history already. The winner will get another big match and the loser will be in trouble. Big stakes for NY. Stoked. Plus the SINGLES title is on the line!!

Jeannine LC

Are ppl seriously content with seeing the same 6 or 7 “high profile” vet competitors go at it over and over and nothing else? Seeing comments that suggest that. That’s not how this thing is gonna grow. No I’m not a Mara or an a Ethan or have only had matches with a great teammate. But I fight every time, i’m in it every time and I look damn good every time. If that’s not good enough then I don’t know what to tell you. You gotta shake things up sometimes.


Krisitan and Jeannine, (and too some "certain" others who tweeted me attacking me, I'll get to you in a FKN minute) Again, as I stated numerous times above, I was not and in no way shape or form attacking Jeannine and or Chance. All I was trying to do is to let you know that SOME fans want/wanted/expected a higher profile match, and expressed why.....I was one of the 1st ones to buy tickets for the event, and when I saw who was on the under card, I got excited! I'm beyond ecstatic that a) you're coming to NYC, 2) what you've done for the Schmoedown, the story lines etc., me being a 40yr WWE fan & how you've integrated it into it etc.....3) I get to see 2 amazing up-and-comers who WILL be forces to be reckoned with over the coming months and years, and 2 people go head-to-head, that I personally like a lot.(Character-wise since I don't know them personally).....I only brought this up after talking to some fans who I've talked with many times before. When 1 of em says, I'm glad I didn't get tickets BECAUSE of who was chosen, I went off on them. I was telling them it doesn't matter who comes, THEY'RE COMING! That's what's important! Chance and Jeannine have been amazing, and IF Jeannine got the right categories/questions, she could very well be in the title hunt. I was defending them, and your choice of the match you made...And I only brought up my advertising and promotions background because I've done it, and when I hear 1 fan, and then others agree, that these 2 didn't belong, that pissed me off. Then after a few hours, I couldn't get it out of my head. So, I came here and put my thoughts out their, on what I've been told, and had heard, full well knowing, there was a chance some would either misunderstand the point, twist my words, maybe others agreeing, at least to a certain extent...I had HOPED to start a NORMAL conversation with no drama.....I agree 100% that before Rocha and others became popular and the faces of the Schmoedown, we only knew them as people who worked their.....So PLEASE, AGAIN, In no way shape or form was I saying, or implying that they did NOT belong on the card!! But for some, it does matter. And while that's on them, and their loss, after I made the post out of the gate I'm getting tweets saying I'm not a true fan, how I really don't like or want too see Jeannine and Chance, and 1 MOFO accused me of being racist, which I'm not by any means.......I don't know who tweets and or retweets out the Schmoedown every time it comes out, but I sure as shit do. A LOT! I tweet out every daily Collider video all day every day and multiple times a day, and LOVED the 2 Reilly Round Table's w/ Bateman, tweeted out the #SchmoedownRundown, the #Schmoedown on the Schmoedown fans contests, LIVE Chats etc., because I BELIEVE in what you're doing, putting out, and the people who do it and are in it...I'm the one who called the NY Daily News to find out about advertising rates, which Kristian's made mention of a while ago because IF you did decide to come out here, I could let you know, OK It'll be $1`0 grand and that includes Newspaper ads to over 1 million subs', radio ads, twitter etc.....IF I could come up with the cash, I'd help donate towards it, even though I only get $988 a month for disability (own my parents home outright w home owners taxes, bills up the wazoo over on Long Island)..And I STILL became a $10 a month supporter, posting to the FB group how they can IF they cut out a cpl a things, like a Starbucks latte, get 3 a week instead of 5, etc... Outside of the people who work for Collider, I don't know who believes MORE in this thing than I DO!...I've sent out links to Fallon, Kimmell on the Anarchy Tourney...I've even emailed EW, the Tonight Show w/ Jimmy Fallon & Kimmel about it more than once, with links to epic matches and more..... Because I BELIEVE it the Schmoedown, and Kristian and Mark!...I like you, want a full friggan theater packed with 5,000+ fans going nuts! I said 2 years ago that this will get a TV deal in 2-3 years! And still believe it will happen...So to Kristian, and Jeannine and Chance, I wasn't saying, nor implying that you or Chance shouldn't be on the card! IF any of you somehow thought that, took offense, in any way shape or form, then I am truly sorry you thought that.....And to the pieces of shit who attacked me, Thank you, Twitter an FB will handle you now! I knew I MAY get some blow back, but to get friggan attacked for a point of view I expressed purely based on what some fans are talking about & my own experiences is BS, heartbreaking & disappointing.


Just stop. Youre trying too hard and just digging yourself into a deeper hole.


I don't have time for this.