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Kristian Harloff was on the live stream AMA today with the $10+ patrons and now it is available for everyone to see. Enjoy!



Live with Kristian Harloff!

Live with Kristian Harloff!



Wow, live streaming for next season would be a game changer! Hope it happens.


Seems like next season might be just patreon exclusive. Which I can totally see and I respect, this thing grew and is a serious IP. Sometimes I feel we as fans can be a bit spoiled and expect everything free and given to us. If they were still doing questions on the couch, YouTube free content is fine, but how the production looks and how expensive it has become, I can see the next step being paid content


Agreed, there's definitely a sense of entitlement from a lot of fans that they deserve this for free which is ludicrous. I'm going to guess some of the major events will be exclusive. And if that results in more patrons and therefore funding for the entire league, I'm completely for that.


Looking forward to a ppv-type format. Thank you for your time, Kristian.


This is my first year watching and I have fallen in love with it. I would be more than happy if next season was Patreon only. It is 100% worth paying for. People need to be paid for their work.


I agree it’s worth paying for. We’re all members of the Patreon after all. I think the Schmoedown should always be available for everyone to enjoy.


Great stream, I'm sure Frank's really happy someone threw him under the bus lol.

Eric Lane

We need to convince more people that for the price of a Starbucks coffee you can really help grow this thing. 8 free matches and the Patreon exclusive content is well worth $5 bucks a month. And a big thanks to Brianne for all the hard work she does managing the Patreon. I went to the 2nd live event and I would encourage everyone to try and make it to one. It is well worth it.


I have spread my Patreon support between & from Schmoedown, Force Center, Josh Macuga Show, to Ken, Roxy & Reilly. And I have not been disappointed.


Yeah, I was wondering why Frankie Numbazzz hasnt been part of the SD for a while now


May I suggest that this video actually be made available to non-Patrons? Some of the answers could be very useful in convincing people to invest.