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His brother Jonathan! The Harris Bros will have a 1-0 record going into round 2 against McWeeny and Chandler.



Well that sure is interesting.




The plot thickens...


🤔go Harris Bros🤔


Awesome! He's mentioned his brother a few times on SJ so I trust he will be a good contender!


OMG, I can only imagine how well they will work together. Who could have more team chemistry than brothers?


How does this work for brackets... cus i had Lon and JTE in the finals?


No offense to them but without knowing his brother, i personally wouldn’t want that. Like if this was the matchup all along, i wouldn’t predict them winning.


That's cool. The record caring over is kinda weird, though...


Let's hope their knowledge doesn't overlap too much.


Let's hope he knows as much about movies as Lon does.


Why do ppl write destructive stupid things based on nothing, to the person who said this was the match up all along and they don’t want this. It’s more likely JTE has been assigned new commitments and is unable to compete or unwell etc any real life situation. And they have done a good thing in bringing in lon’s Brother. How can u not like this until you have seen them play. I personally am looking forward to this one as I like Lon and Brianne and drew. So win win who ever goes through. See how easy it is to write a positive sentence.


I like this, except the idea of the record carrying over. With all due respect, Lon's brother, as good as he may be (which, well, we don't know how good he is), is not JTE. And they don't even have the same team name, unlike Heroes with their Freebird Rule + multiple different iterations (same applies to Superhero News). I think it's unfair to JTE that his win w/Lon counts as a win for a totally different pairing with a totally different team gimmick. Other than that, Harris Bros.


Just curious if anyone knows anything about Lon’s brother Jonathan? What he does or how involved in the biz he is if at all? I think it is great that he is stepping up. I just don’t know anything about him.


He's a "comedian/writer". He's been on a couple episodes of Screen Junkies TV Fights. One of them is called "what is the best south park episode ever?", and they mention that he was on another time, but I don't know when that was. It's not really a primer on how he'll do in the Schmoedown, but he did win that episode of the game. I hope he's as good as Lon. According to Harloff, Lon got to choose JTE's replacement, so I hope he didn't pick his brother solely because he's his brother, without knowing that they have a fairly good shot at winning the tournament.