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As you know there will be 5 people fighting for a spot into the tournament. One will draw a magic number and automatically make the tourney. The other 4 will battle it put all in the same day in a mini tournament, winner advances into main tournament.
I can announce to you guys here exclusively that one of the contestants battling it out will be THE MACHINE


Neil Varma

Congrats Jeannine !


Ok ok. I say she’s earned it.


I was hoping she'd earned a spot. Good for her.


Well deserved!


Great news. Go get em.



Rob McDonald

Very deserving of a chance to make it into the tournament. I'm anxiously awaiting Mark Reilly's announcement!


I feel like based on yesterday Heuck and Seibold would both be huge gets for this


if machine is in and they’re not, the whole thing is rigged.


Tim, what are you talking about? Machine who is 2-1 and those two haven’t played, how exactly would that be rigged?


Machine has the best accuracy this year i think. I like her chances. Definitely future champ.


Sounds good, happy for Jeannine. Even if Witney and Heuck don’t end up in this tournament, I hope we get to see them in singles soon.


I love it!


Top 4 Predictions: 1. Mara Knopic 2. Mark Reilly 3. Witney Seibold 4. Chance Ellison


Ppl that havent even played in the singles league should not get into a tournament. My 4 picks remaining are Reilly/Harris/KO/and either Knost or Chandler


Lon Harris Lon Harris Lon Harris Lon Harris Lon Harris


Why not though? Mara winning the Innergeekdom championship on her first run is an excellent way to start her career! it was exciting and impressive and she'll be in every all-time greats conversation from now on. I don't see how this is bad for the league or for her as a competitor. if a player has serious potential why not give them the last slot in a tournament as their first match. I dunno to me it just seems like a win win! Genuinely interested to hear your side :)


Let's go Jeannine!


2-1, but not against heavy competition. Witney Seibold has had THREE perfect round 1's including the bonus. At the Free 4 All, he never had a single round under 3 points. Not everything should be solely about records. Witney is one of the best players in the league and he's underused. As for the Movie Geek, he's brand new, so whatever, I get it, but it never hurts to shake things up and throw in a wildcard and a pretty good one at that. Witney really deserves an opportunity, though.


The Dark Knight Trilogy, if applicable.


the other 4 should be: lon harris, Bateman, witney and macuga